
Gabriela Pariseau | March 12, 2024

A major media association presented its First Amendment Awards ceremony on Saturday which featured woke media personalities who have been anything but champions of free speech.

The Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA)…

Luis Cornelio | March 12, 2024

MRC President Brent Bozell pulled no punches in addressing where his organization stands regarding the recently introduced TikTok ban: It must “divest” from communist Chinese government control.

Bozell, denoting that the Media Research…

Catherine Salgado | March 11, 2024

The president of the Brownstone Institute argued that a crucial upcoming  Supreme Court case is so key that it effectively places Americans’ free speech rights on trial. 

Brownstone president Jeffrey Tucker wrote in a March 1…

Luis Cornelio | March 8, 2024

Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL) did not give President Joe Biden a pass on his hypocritical TikTok stance in her Thursday rebuttal to the contentious State of the Union address. 

Britt’s message was blunt and clear: Biden can’t have his…

Catherine Salgado | March 6, 2024

Google-owned YouTube has admitted a mistake in censoring a pro-life video but refuses to revoke its fact-checking censorship.

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) shared a video on its YouTube channel on Feb. 5 highlighting the dangers of…

Luis Cornelio | March 6, 2024

Google appears to have stopped peddling pro-Hamas talking points about sexual violence carried out against Israeli citizens on Oct. 7 — just after MRC pressed the Big Tech giant for answers.

On Wednesday, MRC Free Speech America learned…

Catherine Salgado | March 6, 2024

Spring is here, but for Big Tech, spring cleaning just means more censorship — even if it’s more subtle and sneakier than before.

Multiple social media and tech platforms were busily engaged in crushing free speech in February. While X’s…

Luis Cornelio | March 5, 2024

YouTube has been put on notice after placing labels on videos against abortion and downplaying the dangers of such medical procedures ahead of a Supreme Court case on abortion pills.

On Monday, 16 state attorneys general demanded that…

Tom Olohan | March 4, 2024

Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC) promised to fight for Americans’ right to free speech against government censorship, even when this censorship is outsourced to private companies. 

Bishop went on MRC’s UnCensored with MRC Free Speech America…

Luis Cornelio | March 4, 2024

Google is facing a congressional investigation over its infamous Gemini chatbot following MRC Free Speech America’s revelations.

The House Judiciary Committee expanded Saturday its investigation into the collusion between Big Tech and…

Catherine Salgado | March 1, 2024

Meta appears to be committing even more deeply to censorship with its new board member.

Meta — the parent company of Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp — just elected Texas hedge fund manager John Arnold to its board of directors, according…

Gabriela Pariseau | March 1, 2024

Elon Musk appears to have resurrected Twitter’s infamous policy of censoring those who refuse to use a person’s preferred pronouns. What’s worse is that he is now trying to defend it.

In January, X (formerly Twitter) quietly changed its…

Christian Baldwin | February 29, 2024

An MSNBC legal analyst and “misinformation expert” appeared worried that the unparalleled ease of communication that the modern internet allows threatens democracy. That’s why she suggested curbing the ability of regular citizens to use social…

Catherine Salgado | February 29, 2024

Tech giant Meta has proudly unveiled its plan to control content as censorship … er, election season nears in the European Union.

Meta — the parent company of Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp — has a whole slate of actions planned ahead…

Tom Olohan | February 29, 2024

Rep. Harriet Hageman (R-WY) railed against the “Censorship Industrial Complex,” armed with evidence of government censorship and new legislation aimed at gutting government censorship once and for all.

Hageman called for Congress to pass…

Luis Cornelio | February 29, 2024

A lawmaker used an MRC Free Speech America bombshell to imply that an embattled Biden cabinet member is financially accountable for violations of the First Amendment.

During a mark-up hearing of the Censorship Accountability Act, Rep.…

Luis Cornelio | February 28, 2024

A bombshell lawsuit against one of the largest artificial intelligence companies may have inadvertently revealed that popular AI chatbots are secretly propping up legacy media outlets in their answers.

In a 35-page motion filed on Monday…

Tom Olohan | February 28, 2024

Fox News host Laura Ingraham ripped into both the bias of Gemini, Google’s artificial intelligence chatbot, and its creators, who have cost Google billions of dollars.  

During a Feb. 26 Ingraham Angle segment exposing Gemini’s…

Catherine Salgado | February 27, 2024

A Republican legal expert condemned Big Tech, particularly Amazon, for not only crushing speech but also helping a foreign government supersede U.S. companies.

Article III Project founder and lawyer Mike Davis called out anti-liberty tech…

Luis Cornelio | February 27, 2024

Backing racial discrimination and casting doubts on Hamas-led sexual violence wasn’t enough for Google’s infamous artificial intelligence—this time flirting with the idea of the U.S. government banning Fox News, one of the largest media outlets…