Associated Press

Autumn Johnson | May 12, 2022

The liberal media’s meltdown over the possible repeal of Roe v. Wade continued this week.

Both The Washington Post and The Associated Press chastised businesses for their continued silence on abortion. The Post published its article on…

Jeffrey Clark | April 13, 2022

The same economist who admitted he got “inflation” wrong claimed the economy is thriving under President Joe Biden. At this point, flipping a coin is probably more accurate at predicting the future than New York Times columnist Paul Krugman…

Joseph Vazquez | April 5, 2022

The Associated Press couldn’t bring itself to outright admit that President Joe Biden falsely promised to Americans that they would save big on transitioning to green energy. Instead, AP just said he “misspoke” and “vastly overpromised.” …

Jeffrey Clark | February 23, 2022

Even the liberal Associated Press observed that NBC’s multi-billion dollar pro-communist China bet on the Olympics just went up in flames.

The Associated Press (AP) called the Olympics a “disaster” for NBC, especially after it secured a $…

Jeffrey Clark | February 17, 2022

The Associated Press recently celebrated an $8 million cash infusion from left-wing mega-donors to fund a small army of eco-journalists. 

The Associated Press (AP) declared on Feb. 15 that “it is assigning more than two dozen…

Joseph Vazquez | December 13, 2021

Following the Dec. 6 CNN report exposing President Joe Biden for trying to influence media to spin economic coverage to his favor, many have followed his demands and twisted the news of rising inflation.

Bloomberg News, CNN, New York…

Joseph Vazquez | October 20, 2021

Climate activist James Murdoch is set to make a multimillion-dollar investment in the Associated Press climate journalism as if AP didn’t already have a big enough left-wing bias.

The Murdoch investment is going toward “the formation of a…

Joseph Vazquez | August 17, 2021

The terrible effects of President Joe Biden’s war on fossil fuels are taking a serious toll on the nation as the left-wing media have consistently attempted to defend him from bad press.

U.S. Energy Information Administration data…

Joseph Vazquez | August 11, 2021

The Associated Press (AP) found a way to make President Joe Biden look like an American prophet warning about rising energy prices, without mentioning how his anti-oil agenda is contributing to the growing crisis.

AP ran a puff story…

Gabriela Pariseau | August 4, 2021

Twitter announced that it is teaming up with liberal news and fact-checking sites The Associated Press (AP) and Reuters to censor content by adding what the platform is calling “reliable context” to trending news.

Twitter explained in a…

Alec Schemmel | June 28, 2021

Facebook continues to allow China to lie to the world about its human rights violations against Uyghurs, while simultaneously banning the former president of the United States from its platform.

Experts in the fields of tech policy, human…

Joseph Vazquez | May 27, 2021

The Associated Press (AP) tried to run cover for President Joe Biden by gaslighting readers on his role in rising gas prices.

AP ran another one of its useless “fact-checks” headlined, “AP FACT CHECK: House GOP falsely blames Biden for…

Kayla Sargent | April 22, 2021

Facebook’s fact-checkers are covering for the left’s huge election power grab in H.R. 1. A far left AP fact-checker spent 850 words trying, and failing, to debunk a graphic about the bill. 

AP News fact-checked a graphic from the…

Joseph Vazquez | February 11, 2021

The scandals plaguing the insufferable anti-Trump Lincoln Project have become too potent to ignore for the liberal Associated Press.

AP slammed the group in a story headlined, “How a leading anti-Trump group ignored a crisis in its ranks…

Joseph Vazquez | December 2, 2020

The woke “capitalists” at the Nasdaq stock exchange are pushing to force its listed companies to adopt leftist identity politics. And the liberal media are salivating all over it.

Nasdaq recently filed a proposal with the U.S.…

Joseph Vazquez | August 10, 2020

Good economic news is never bad enough for the liberal media.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics recently released an impressive report on job growth in July. Specifically, “Total non-farm payroll employment rose by 1.8 million in July,…

Joseph Vazquez | June 18, 2020

Liberal billionaire George Soros is pouring it on in a multimillion-dollar effort to help Democrats turn out their voters in the 2020 election.

The Associated Press reported that “A network of deep-pocketed progressive donors is launching…

Corinne Weaver | July 26, 2019

Even those who work at Google have noticed the search engine’s unfair tilt towards liberal news outlets. 

Google engineer Greg Coppola, who was suspended by his company for speaking to Project Veritas, published a July 25 post…

Julia A. Seymour | August 8, 2018

California is burning. Multiple wildfires are claiming lives and property and the smoke is so bad, even Yosemite had to be evacuated.

News outlets should be reporting all the factors that contributed to the terrible fires and not…

Julia A. Seymour | May 3, 2018

Protests by workers and activists and, in some cases, violence by anarchists marked the far-left holiday May Day this year.

But most American news consumers would not have known that some London demonstrators carried communist flags and…