
Joseph Vazquez | December 4, 2020

Bloomberg News owner Michael Bloomberg spent millions trying to prop up pro-abortion candidates in the 2020 elections.

Open Secrets records show Bloomberg gave the Planned Parenthood Votes (PPV) super PAC at least $4 million in the 2020…

Joseph Vazquez | November 20, 2020

The notoriously leftist BuzzFeed is reportedly set to purchase the insufferably liberal HuffPost. When it’s over, Verizon Media will have a stake in both.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the Buzzfeed acquisition of HuffPost “is…

Joseph Vazquez | November 18, 2020

Exploiting the coronavirus to promote climate lockdowns apparently wasn’t enough for the leftist media. Now, one publication is looking to use it to push for radical population control.

New Scientist (NS) recently published an eco-…

Joseph Vazquez | September 21, 2020

It looks like the harbingers Dr. Robert Epstein had warned the country about regarding liberal Big Tech’s influence in elections are coming true.

Big Tech giant Facebook informed the Media Research Center that it would be partnering with…

Corinne Weaver | August 3, 2020

Twitter has allowed numerous videos of the Black Lives Matter protests and even Antifa riots on its platform. But a video about the Students for Life chalking a sidewalk gets slapped with a label for “potentially sensitive content.” 

Joseph Vazquez | July 9, 2020

Catholic nuns won their challenge against the ObamaCare mandate to cover contraception. But in the NPR story, they were none. Public radio hid that the left was trying to force a religious order to violate its faith.

The Supreme Court, in…

NB Staff | May 28, 2020

President Donald Trump is right that social media companies have been targeting conservatives. Twitter, in particular, has been engaging in a relentless attack on the American political process by censoring conservatives.

Now that has…

Joseph Vazquez | May 22, 2020

GOP senators are furious after a disgusting revelation that Planned Parenthood has been getting millions in coronavirus relief funds, a new report said.

Fox News reported that Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) is spearheading a letter co…

Joseph Vazquez | April 20, 2020

Could liberal billionaire George Soros be more disgusting? He’s using his super PAC to exploit the coronavirus and attack President Donald Trump and using the issue of abortion to do it.

Federal Election Commission data…

Joseph Vazquez | March 20, 2020

Leave it to the liberal media to sing the praises of liberal billionaires’ philanthropy without providing too much detail about what their money has been funding.

Liberal outlet The Verge gave a glowing report on how liberal…

Corinne Weaver | February 17, 2020

Instagram announced in May of 2019 that it would be fact-checking and “reducing distribution” for what it considered to be “disinformation.” Since then, it seems to be targeting pro-life content.

Brazilian third-…

Joseph Vazquez | December 10, 2019

A left-wing outlet praised liberal billionaire Warren Buffett’s Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation’s abortion funding between 2001-2014 in September, drooling that it is “the biggest funder of access to abortion for low-income women in the United…

Joseph Vazquez | December 2, 2019

Liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s company dedicates an entire webpage talking about the company’s commitment to “advancing women,” and apparently for his nonprofit Bloomberg Family Foundation, that means giving…

Corinne Weaver | September 16, 2019

 Fact-checkers have been given an enormous amount of authority over what news stays and what cannot be allowed to flourish on Facebook.

Pro-life organization Live Action found this out the hard way last week, after the platform was…

Joseph Vazquez | August 14, 2019

Pro-abortion researchers trying to convince the FDA to remove abortion pill restrictions had financial support from billionaire investor Warren Buffett, according to a new Live Action News investigation.

Live Action released a report Aug…

Joseph Valle | June 10, 2019

Hollywood celebrities aren’t the only people upset about recent state efforts to limit abortion. A number of business executives are too. CNN.com boosted their complaints and claims that restricting abortion was “bad for business…

Ryan Bomberger | May 13, 2019

Big Tech always preaches about treating people equally, but they never do. Funny how their “algorithms” never seem to suspend liberals’ accounts. The religion of Inclusion is a fraud. As I write this, my organization’s…

Corinne Weaver | April 1, 2019

Twitter has tried again to silence voices of the pro-life movement.

The page for the film Unplanned was suspended on Twitter on March 30 by mistake, if Twitter is to be believed. The account, which at the time had 40,000 followers, was…

Corinne Weaver | November 2, 2018

Even though 56 percent of America is pro-life, Facebook still deems pro-life ads as unacceptable for its platform.

The pro-life Susan B. Anthony List has had ads deleted from its Facebook page a total of six times, according to the Daily…

Katie Yoder, Aly Nielsen | October 27, 2017

Feminists were outraged when the Women’s March announced a man, Democratic Sen. Bernie Sanders, would begin its October Women’s Convention. That was changed, but it turns out, there’s another old, white man prominently connected…