May 2, 2023
USA Today is raising the eco-warrior cry over the new “battleground” in the fight against the climate bogeyman: Americans’ lawns.
No, we’re not kidding.
The liberal newspaper doom mongered how “[g]as leaf blowers and lawn mowers are…
May 22, 2023
The Associated Press has been running wild with leftist climate change propaganda while being paid millions by eco-extremist organizations. And yet AP still has the audacity to pretend it's engaging in objective reporting.
MRC Business…
July 13, 2023
George Soros — one of the world’s most powerful and influential leftist billionaires — finally found an heir to his massive empire. Alex Soros was named the new leader of his father’s $25-billion Open Society Foundations. That…
July 13, 2023
“Climate Envoy” John Kerry spouted more eco-extremist nonsense in his trip to the UK, this time to the lefties at MSNBC.
Kerry, in his propaganda-filled interview on Ana Cabrera Reports at MSNBC, alleged that “the science” is indicating that “the…
July 13, 2023
MRC President Brent Bozell joined Fox Business to unveil a new study unearthing the unhinged radicalism of leftist billionaire George Soros’ newly crowned heir to his $25 billion-dollar empire.
“George Soros has always been crafty and canny and…
July 19, 2023
The New York Times' blowhard economics writer Paul Krugman apparently didn’t sense the stupidity in pontificating to readers about the supposed need to “politicize” the weather. Yes, you read that right.
Krugman took a pit stop from his usual…
August 8, 2023
It’s imbecilic for The Associated Press to act like any person with common sense would take its screeching about “human-caused climate change” seriously now after being paid millions to spread eco-propaganda.
AP’s climate “writer” Seth Borenstein…
August 21, 2023
The New York Times took eco-sensationalism to a new level by making couples planning summer weddings out to be victims of … climate change.
The Times’s headline read like a piece of poorly written satire: “‘It Was Pretty Miserable’: Planning a…
September 18, 2023
The New York Times seems to get a kick out of pushing hubris-riddled blather normalizing the ridiculous notion that governments can control Mother Nature to fight climate change.
A Sept. 14 Times guest essay whined that switching to clean…
September 21, 2023
Media mogul and failed presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg is not letting up on his years-long obsession with putting the nails in the coffin on the U.S. coal industry.
The Bloomberg News owner pledged another $500 million to “expand the…