May 20, 2016
After activist attorneys general targeted a major oil company and conservative groups for their climate change views, one of the groups hit back hard, publicly accusing the AG’s of abusing their legal authority.
The Competitive…
June 3, 2016
Even when CEO pay drops, liberals whine. The New York Times turned its report on CEO pay into a complaint on inequality and the “large-scale transfer of wealth” it created for rich, white men.
Large corporations, according to the Times…
June 15, 2016
For one New York Times columnist, democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton hasn’t been revolutionary enough in her economic policies.
Times columnist Eduardo Porter complained that Clinton’s economic plan, which included…
June 24, 2016
Warning: Story includes explicit content.
The UK’s surprising decision to exit the European Union brought out typical sneering from journalists, as well as warnings that the decision would bring gloom and doom to the country.
August 31, 2016
The Washington Post’s Wonkblog presented another way for liberals to hate on masculinity by connecting masculinity to a liberal cause du jour: climate change.
“Your manliness could be hurting the planet,” reporter Danielle…
September 15, 2016
When it comes to covering the economy under President Obama, the broadcast networks have a habit of covering good economic news, but glossing over or ignoring bad economic news.
It turns out coverage of income and poverty data from the Census got…
October 25, 2016
News of Obamacare’s problems didn’t happen in vacuum. The law got years of support from a complicit media which praised the law, attacked its opponents and ignored adverse consequences. Below are six examples of journalists supporting…
November 8, 2016
CNBC’s Joe Kernen slammed anti-Trump media bias on Nov. 8, and branded The New York Times as an honorary member of the Clinton campaign.
He joked that The New York Times staff had an “honorary position” in the Clinton campaign.
November 9, 2016
Squawk Box host Joe Kernen blasted the “mainstream media” as the election loser saying certain outlets should accept humiliation.
“The mainstream media is a loser in this and not just in trying to analyze what was happening…
December 1, 2016
More than a month before Donald Trump takes office, he saved 1,000 manufacturing jobs. But the very anti-Trump New York Times gratuitously downplayed that news.
According to the Dec. 1, Wall Street Journal, Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence…