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More than a month before Donald Trump takes office, he saved 1,000 manufacturing jobs. But the very anti-Trump New York Times gratuitously downplayed that news.

According to the Dec. 1, Wall Street Journal, Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence struck a deal with Carrier Corporation that stopped the company from moving 1,000 manufacturing jobs from Indiana to Mexico.

But rather than credit Trump with keeping a campaign promise so early on, the Times downplayed the deal, using nearly 200 words and several graphics to argue that the salvaged 1,000 manufacturing jobs were “small” compared to Indiana’s overall loss.

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“The jobs that will stay represent only a small boost compared with the millions of manufacturing jobs lost since 2000,” The Times’ Alicia Parlapiano and K.K. Rebecca Lai argued on Nov. 30.

In contrast, Washington Post’s Wonkblog called it a Trump “victory” regarding his campaign promise to keep Carrier jobs in the U.S. Trump campaign advisor A.J. Delgado tweeted on Dec. 1, that Carrier also envisioned keeping 10,000 more jobs in the U.S after the deal.

Reuters was also more positive than the Times, pointing out that the deal was an “early victory for Trump before he takes office.” Before the deal, Carrier employee Robert Maynard told Fox Business Network host Stuart Varney, that he “was devastated” to hear about Carrier’s decision to relocate jobs.

FBN reported on Dec. 1, that Maynard got his job back and said he “would like to get up and shake [Trump’s] hand and congratulate him and Mr. Pence on doing an excellent job.”

The Times vehemently opposed Trump during the 2016 presidential race, publishing multiple editorials and op-eds criticizing him. Columnist Charles M. Blow, for example, called Trump an “existential threat” to America on Nov. 3, and wrote on Nov. 10, that America elected a “bigot.”