November 4, 2022
People interested in the struggle for free speech, fair play, and the free market likely have seen a profusion of new reports revealing the “sides” certain social media and video platforms are choosing.
Are they aligning with liberty and honesty,…
August 16, 2018
The environmentalists’ drive to limit plastic usage could impact your next celebration.
After launching a crusade and petitions to ban plastic straws (harming disabled people who actually require them), environmentalists aren’t content…
December 7, 2005
Holiday traditions are grounded in stories from the past, including
how St. Nicholas became Jolly St. Nick. But some storytellers are
hard at work no matter what the season. You can always trust the…
November 1, 2005
One of the great things about America is that a small businessman
may wake up one day and find himself a multimillionaire, if he takes
some risks and works hard. Its that dream that starts businesses…
October 5, 2005
Good ideas are hard to come by especially in Washington. But a
good idea can stand the test of time, and it can weather the assault
of its critics if it gets the opportunity to prove itself…
August 24, 2005
As residents of New Orleans and the rest of the Gulf Coast begin to
pick themselves up from a devastating natural disaster, theyre
finding lots of hands reaching out to help. Ordinary Americans and…
August 17, 2005
Ive been telling people around the country for months that they
must think all of us are stupid. Usually, someone will come up and
ask me about the mysterious they. Its a simple answer they are…
May 19, 2005
According to the most recent
Washington Post /ABC poll, President Bushs plan to restructure
the Social Security system has lost public support. What the poll
doesnt tell you is that the network news has…
February 22, 2006
Every class has that straight-A student who studies, aces all his
tests and wins all the academic awards. Other students start to envy
him, but the smart students try to learn from him. Hes just working…