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Autumn Johnson | September 11, 2022

Twitter reportedly paid a whistleblower $7 million for his silence on company operations.

Bloomberg News reported Thursday that Tesla CEO Elon Musk is citing the transaction to bolster his claims that Twitter misled him and the Securities…

Autumn Johnson | September 11, 2022

Former Disney CEO Bob Iger says the company did not purchase Twitter because of “bots” on the platform.

On Thursday, the New York Post reported that Iger told attendees at the Vox Code Conference that “hate speech” and “bots” were large…

Gabriela Pariseau | September 9, 2022

Big Tech companies often don’t prioritize child safety, and parents know it. 

Eighty-two percent of American parents are concerned about Big Tech’s influence on their children’s lives, according to a new poll by child advocacy…

Jeffrey Clark | September 9, 2022

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt told Fox Business that he uncovered a “vast censorship enterprise” by the White House, referencing a landmark lawsuit he filed that hinged on MRC Free Speech America research.

“At least forty-five…

Paiten Iselin | September 9, 2022

The Communist China-appeasing oligarchs at TikTok have kicked the platform’s ridiculous censorship apparatus into high gear to nix free speech from its platform.

MRC Free Speech America has been tracking TikTok’s anti-American censorship…

Brian Bradley | September 9, 2022

The Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday struck down a bill that would have allowed big media companies to ignore antitrust laws and jointly negotiate with social media companies on content distribution.

The committee by a vote of 11-10…

Catherine Salgado | September 8, 2022

The West is at “war.” At least, that’s how liberal journalist Glenn Greenwald described the tumultuous battle raging online that could determine whether or not the internet will be free.

Liberal journalist Glenn Greenwald slammed media…

Gabriela Pariseau | September 8, 2022

When in doubt, point to the Trump administration! That’s what White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre did Wednesday when she dodged a question about alleged collusion between the Biden administration and social media companies to suppress…

Jeffrey Clark | September 8, 2022

Notorious liberal billionaires George Soros and eBay founder Pierre Omidyar are backing a multimillion-dollar fund to reach Latino voters ahead of November’s midterm elections, according to a recent Newsweek report.

The left seems to be…

Joseph Vazquez | September 8, 2022

New York Times economics columnist Paul Krugman apparently tried to strong-arm struggling American workers into believing that they have been ignorant of an ongoing “Biden Boom.”

Krugman’s latest op-ed of pro-Biden drivel didn’t make much…

Jeffrey Clark | September 7, 2022

Former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr fired the latest salvo in the culture war against the leftist environmental, social and governance movement that has taken hold of America’s largest investment firms. 

ESG policies are “…

Catherine Salgado | September 7, 2022

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt (R) announced in a press release and on Twitter Tuesday that more bombshell documentation about alleged collusion between the Biden administration and Big Tech will be emerging.

The U.S. District…

NB Staff | September 7, 2022

Two liberal rags pooh-poohed a letter sent Thursday by House Republicans to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg that seeks more information from Facebook about its communication with the federal government that led to censorship of the Hunter Biden…

Autumn Johnson | September 6, 2022

A Washington state court judge ruled last week that Meta intentionally violated campaign finance laws.

In July, Washington state Attorney General Bob Ferguson filed a summary judgment motion arguing that Meta violated the state’s campaign…

Catherine Salgado | September 6, 2022

“They basically outsourced the tyranny.” co-founder Dave Rubin made that statement Saturday night on the Fox News Channel about recent government actions to coordinate with Big Tech on censorship. 

Jeffrey Clark | September 6, 2022

Politico owner and billionaire Mathias Döpfnerb reportedly told The Washington Post that he supports “nonpartisan” journalism, despite multiple attacks on former President Donald Trump in just the last few years. 


Catherine Salgado | September 6, 2022

More than a year after Google canceled the Parler app, the tech giant quietly let Parler back onto its Google Play Store.

Parler returned to Google Play after almost two years of absence. “MAJOR NEWS: We're BACK on the Google Play Store!…

Joseph Vazquez | September 6, 2022

The left-wing PolitiFact hacks worked overtime to gaslight Americans on the deleterious effects of President Joe Biden’s student debt forgiveness scam. 

PolitiFact took a swipe at multiple criticisms of Biden’s irresponsible student…

Autumn Johnson | September 3, 2022

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Director (CISA) Jen Easterly is reportedly upset that social media platforms don’t censor enough.

Her alleged comments surfaced during the discovery phase of a lawsuit that seems to grow…

Catherine Salgado | September 2, 2022

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stuttered a refusal to answer a question about the Biden administration’s alleged collusion with Big Tech to censor Americans.

Fox Business Network White House correspondent Edward Lawrence…