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Catherine Salgado | April 27, 2023

Fox News China expert Gordon Chang revealed the startling reason why the Chinese Communist Party is requiring AI to “reflect socialist values” in its new artificial intelligence regulations.

The Communist Chinese government unveiled a…

Tom Olohan | April 27, 2023

Self-proclaimed “NeverTrump” Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin is once again displaying her blatant hypocrisy in her latest op-ed attacking the GOP amidst the ongoing debt ceiling negotiations.

Rubin railed against…

Luis Cornelio | April 27, 2023

Media Research Center Founder and President Brent Bozell appeared on Fox Business’s Varney & Co Thursday to discuss the Biden administration’s woke attempt to weaponize artificial intelligence (AI).

Fox News host Stuart Varney asked…

Joseph Vazquez | April 27, 2023

Leave it to the propagandists at The New York Times to try to sprinkle some sugar over an anemic GDP report. 

The Times economics writer Ben Casselman broke out some confetti for the latest economic report showing a lackluster 1.1…

Autumn Johnson | April 26, 2023

Twitter owner Elon Musk is raising the alarm about the dangers of losing “freedom of speech.”

Musk responded to an April 24 tweet of a video that included comments from investor, tech entrepreneur, and All-In podcast co-host David Sacks.…

Joseph Vazquez | April 26, 2023

It’s a wonder whether being on the opposite side of stock market reality is just in the job description for CNBC host Jim Cramer. He haphazardly doubled down on an embattled stock that plunged soon after. 

Cramer took to Twitter at…

Catherine Salgado | April 26, 2023

If you thought the medical establishment post-COVID was already questionable, prepare for it to get worse. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more intrusive and creepy all the time. Now OpenAI ChatGPT’s will be let loose on…

Gabriela Pariseau | April 26, 2023

While Twitter is still throttling content, the platform will now notify users when it limits an account’s reach. It was the least the platform could do.

“Freedom of Speech, not reach,” Twitter Safety euphemized in a Monday tweet…

Tom Olohan | April 25, 2023

Bloomberg LP is taking an outrageous victory lap by celebrating the pressure campaign it launched to infect corporate America with woke environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards. 

Bloomberg LP released its 2022 Impact…

Luis Cornelio | April 25, 2023

Twitter 2.0 appears to be caving to leftist pressure by removing the “government-funded” labels it slapped on taxpayer-financed outlets like NPR.

Twitter owner Elon Musk initially supported labeling government-funded media labels for the…

Catherine Salgado | April 25, 2023

The Daily Wire host Matt Walsh blasted YouTube for attempting to force him to use Dylan Mulvaney's preferred pronouns last week.

In a speech at the University of Iowa, Walsh described YouTube’s draconian policy that barred him from using…

Luis Cornelio | April 25, 2023

Daily Wire editor emeritus Ben Shapiro took to Twitter to mock leftists who threw a fit over President Joe Biden’s apparent loss of Twitter’s verified checkmark, which was not true. 

“The President of the United States is no longer…

Luis Cornelio | April 24, 2023

Elon Musk’s Twitter halted part of its hateful conduct policy that has explicitly been used to censor those who oppose transgender ideology on the platform.

On April 18, Twitter removed parts of the policy that prohibited the “deadnaming…

Catherine Salgado | April 21, 2023

Snap (Snapchat) CEO Evan Spiegel said banning TikTok would help his app, but he’s worried about the precedent of banning apps, even if they are foreign-owned national security risks.

A reporter asked Spiegel about his opinion on a…

Luis Cornelio | April 21, 2023

The so-called collaboration between software company Oracle and the leftist Global Disinformation Index (GDI) is finally coming to an end, marking a victory for the free speech movement.

Oracle announced Thursday that it was halting its…

Gabriela Pariseau | April 21, 2023

The Meta Oversight Board circus came to town again pretending to hold Meta accountable for its out-of-control COVID-19 censorship collusion with government entities. But the board’s empty, highbrow language isn’t fooling anyone. 


Michael Morris, Autumn Johnson | April 21, 2023

Anti-free speech Google announced Thursday its decision to consolidate its AI research divisions to keep up with other Big Tech giants, despite its CEO’s insistence that AI advancement should slow down.

Google combined its DeepMind AI…

Joseph Vazquez | April 21, 2023

Leftist billionaire George Soros is willing to spend billions of dollars to radically transform society into his own bizarre leftist utopia but he was apparently a cheapskate when it came to paying Twitter’s blue checkmark fee. 

Tom Olohan | April 21, 2023

Conservative radio host Dan Bongino tore into a number of leftist so-called fact-checkers for their connection to activist, leftist billionaire George Soros. 

Citing a New York Post op-ed by Bongino Report Content Manager Matt…

Catherine Salgado | April 20, 2023

Communist Chinese government-tied TikTok is looking to censor content questioning “climate change” narratives, even though China is considered the biggest polluter, and least “green,” nation in the world.

A TikTok press release about…