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Jeff Poor | February 28, 2008

     One day, Jim Cramer is playing cheerleader for the U.S. economy, the next he is playing cheerleader for the Democratic presidential candidates, Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

     Cramer, whose position on the American…

Jeff Poor | February 28, 2008

     Guess what – the sky isn’t falling, it’s just coming to a “near” fall.

     Over the past couple a months, the Associated Press has filed many reports about the prospects of recession and the effects that just the scare of a…

Jeff Poor | February 28, 2008

     Finally, the media are connecting the dots and realizing the push for alternative energy is taking a toll on the American economy.


     The Labor Department reported on February 20…

Nathan Burchfiel | February 28, 2008

     As the ceaseless recession talk continues, the language creep continues. Does it really matter whether it’s a “recession” or a “slowdown”?

     “It’s so much about semantics,” Burnett said on the February 28 NBC “Today” show when…

Nathan Burchfiel | February 28, 2008

     As the economy has slowed and indicators have started showing signs of fatigue, historically negative media coverage has taken a turn for the worst, shifting from reporting on “recession” to all-out “depression.”

     On “60…

Jeff Poor | February 27, 2008

     There’s nothing scarier than reverting back to the days of yesteryear – when Jimmy Carter was president.

     But evoking the memories of the 1970s and stagflation is now a common theme in the media. A disappointing rise in the…

Jeff Poor | February 27, 2008

     Exploiting hot-button issues is the path to the White House and an increased majority in Congress according to Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean.

     Dean, who was the keynote speaker for the Black History Month…

Gary Wolfram, Ph.D. | February 27, 2008

     Some in the media try claim that we are in the beginnings of a recession in an attempt to make the case for larger government intervention in the economy. It is instructive to consider an era when there was a truly severe economic downturn…

BMI Staff | February 27, 2008
Not-So-Great Depression Coverage: All of the Hype, but None of the Bread Lines According to some network journalists, todays economic indicators are just this…
Nathan Burchfiel | February 27, 2008

     Kudos to ABC’s “Good Morning America” and reporter Bianna Golodryga for illustrating that not all economy reporting has to highlight bad news.

     “[W]e keep seeing that there are some signs of hope out there,” host Diane Sawyer…

Genevieve Ebel | February 26, 2008

    Better safe than sorry must be ABC’s motto.

     Likening the threat of rising temperatures to the peril of nuclear annihilation, “Good Morning America” toured the recently opened “Doomsday Vault,” an underground ice fortress…

Jeff Poor | February 26, 2008

      “It’s the economy, stupid.”  How many times will we hear that line, originally uttered by Democratic operative James Carville in 1992, repeated this election cycle by the media?

     Already in 2008 it’s been used at least once on…

Jeff Poor | February 25, 2008

     Imagine being sent to a luxurious resort in Colorado to investigate a “posh” corporate event, but it gets canceled right before air time. What do you do? CBS covered it anyway.



Jeff Poor | February 25, 2008

     Making predictions about the economy has been the thing to do as of late and energy prices are no exception. When the prediction is $4 gasoline, it should be taken seriously.

     But like many…

Jeff Poor | February 25, 2008

     Time magazine is at it again. This time, it’s going beyond unquestioning coverage of global warming alarmism to act as a public relations agent for a global warming alarmist’s campaign.

     A article by Bryan Walsh…

Nathan Burchfiel | February 22, 2008

     The media continue to feature sob stories from rich families in stories supposed to illustrate the pain the housing “crisis” is causing for middle- and lower-income families.

     “Not since the Depression has a larger share of…

Jeff Poor | February 22, 2008

     Surprise – NBC chief environmental affairs correspondent and global warming alarmist Anne Thompson offered “Nightly News” viewers a variety of reasons why building a badly-needed coal-fired power plant in an isolated part of Nevada is a bad…

Nathan Burchfiel | February 22, 2008

     In a shocking display of irony, a spokesman for Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-Ill.) presidential campaign told CNN February 22 that a federal mandate “doesn’t work.”

     “But when people talk about the federal government ordering me to…

L. Brent Bozell III | February 22, 2008

Since 1991, the Dove Foundation has been encouraging American movie studios to make uplifting, positive entertainment with its Family Approved Seal. This year, they've launched a new initiative, an annual awards presentation akin to the Academy…

Jeff Poor | February 21, 2008

     Don’t expect the media to connect the dots between inflation, higher food prices and government mandated increases in the use of biofuels. ABC didn’t.


     “World News with Charles…