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    Better safe than sorry must be ABC’s motto.

     Likening the threat of rising temperatures to the peril of nuclear annihilation, “Good Morning America” toured the recently opened “Doomsday Vault,” an underground ice fortress designed to preserve seeds for thousands of different crops.

     Built in preparation for worst fears come true, ABC’s Jim Sciutto called the vault the “ultimate insurance against catastrophe: natural disasters, nuclear war, global warming,” during the February 26 broadcast.    

     Located in the “northern most inhabited place in the world,” Svalbard, Norway, Sciutto said the creators, Global Crop Diversity Trust, “collected these seeds from countries all over the world and even in the worst predictions of global warming, going out 200 years, this place is expected to remain one of the coldest on earth and that will help keep those seeds safe.”

     Some of the seeds include “a thousand kinds of bananas” and a “hundred thousand varieties of rice.”

     ABC also mentioned that the vault is strategically located in a place safe from disasters such as war and earthquakes. The only threat to the vault, is ironically polar bears—the global warming mascot.

     The bears pose such a threat that an armed guard is placed in sub-zero temperatures outside the vault’s entrance to protect it. Sciutto mentioned one of the only rules in Svalbard is “when you leave town, you’re supposed to bring a gun with you” because “there are more polar bears here than people.”

     It seems like an interesting juxtaposition considering global warming alarmists also contend that warming climates could kill off polar bears. GMA’s own weatherman, Sam Champion, cautioned on February 8 that polar bears are engaged in a “struggle to survive.” He expressed similar concern in September 2007.

     Polar bears as a threat to this “Noah’s Ark of the Future” contradicts the typical role the global warming mascot normally plays in ABC stories. But such a threat did line up with a study released in September 2007 and publicized by the Telegraph (U.K.) that found thriving polar bear populations.

     “There are a hell of a lot more bears,” said polar bear biologist Mitch Taylor to the Telegraph.

     On February 26, NBC’s ‘Today Show’ also explored the ‘Doomsday Vault,’ although its report did not link the vault to the supposed threat of global warming.