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Jeff Poor | March 31, 2008

     George Will must have known to eat his Wheaties before going on ABC’s “This Week” on March 30.


     Will, a conservative columnist, was decidedly outnumbered by three liberal…

Jeff Poor | March 31, 2008

     As if we needed another foreclosure hardship angle.


     The March 27 “CBS Evening News” had no problem finding another one, but perhaps this one wasn’t quite so much hardship, but…

Jeff Poor | March 31, 2008

     One has to wonder why former Vice President Al Gore is spending $300 million to spread his views on global warming, when he’s declared there is no more debate and that those who disagree are few.


Paul Detrick | March 28, 2008

     After anecdotal reports that people who used the popular allergy drug Singulair may develop suicidal tendencies, the Food and Drug Administration announced March 27 that it would investigate. How big the problem might be…

Jeff Poor | March 28, 2008

     As a Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) presidency becomes more of a possibility, the reality of his potential presidency becomes an issue for Americans to contemplate.

     Although much of the coverage of the presidential election has…

Nathan Burchfiel | March 27, 2008

     American Airlines canceled more than 300 flights March 26 as older planes were voluntarily re-inspected to make sure they met safety standards set by the Federal Aviation Administration. But the cancellations had CNN’s…

Jeff Poor | March 27, 2008

     Even studies deemed suitable for publication in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine can’t earn the respect of the media when they see an opportunity to bash “big tobacco.”



Amy Menefee | March 27, 2008

     The sympathetic, struggling cardholder. The anti-credit card company activist. The heartless business and the beleaguered industry representative. Check, check and check – but “Good Morning America’s” March 27 story…

Jeff Poor | March 27, 2008

      To demonstrate that global warming is supposedly causing the collapse of nature, the March 26 “CBS Evening News” featured eroding coastlines causing people to lose homes in England as evidence.

     “Much of the effects of climate…

Nathan Burchfiel | March 27, 2008

     Howell Raines, former executive editor of The New York Times, is scared for his pension.


     Raines wrote in the April 2008 Condé Nast Portfolio that he fears the “pirate” Rupert…

Jeff Poor | March 26, 2008

     To know where you’re going, it’s probably a good idea to know how you got to where you are.


     NBC chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell featured both Democratic…

Jeff Poor | March 26, 2008

     Regardless of whether global warming is a threat, one Washington insider predicts a carbon cap-and-trade system is inevitable because all three remaining presidential candidates support it.

     Fred Krupp, the president of the…

Nathan Burchfiel | March 26, 2008

     What is it about government mandates that curse innovation to failure?

     Ethanol turned out to be more environmentally harmful than the fossil fuels it was replacing via federal mandate. Now scientists understand the “green”…

BMI Staff | March 26, 2008
Too Little, Too Late - Media Discover Mercury in Fluorescent Bulbs First it was ethanol a corny government mandate thats not all it was cracked up to be. Now its light…

     Skyrocketing gasoline prices may be pushing the U.S. economy over the edge, but the oil-rich lords of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) oil cartel don’t give a hoot.

     Chakib Khelil, OPEC’s president and…

Jeff Poor | March 25, 2008

     Almost every day, the network news breathlessly asks again: is the “housing crisis” over? Have gas prices topped out? Is the economy in recession? CBS and NBC took a downbeat approach to those questions March 24 and 25.  


Jeff Poor | March 24, 2008

     How much of what has happened in the housing market is Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s fault?


     Not much, according to CNBC “Closing Bell” host Maria Bartiromo. Bartiromo…

Jeff Poor | March 24, 2008

     CNBC celebrity stock picker Jim Cramer has an affinity for making over-the-top statements. While guest hosting CNBC’s “Squawk on the Street” March 24, he turned his critical sights from policy makers and corporate CEOs to…

Jeff Poor | March 24, 2008

     Finally, we get some clarity from CNBC’s Jim Cramer about his remarks concerning the Bear Stearns fallout.


     Last week, after it was announced JP Morgan Chase (NYSE:JPM) was…

Jeff Poor | March 24, 2008

     ABC’s harmlessly named “profile” segment March 23 was, in essence, an attempt to discredit and bury the individual profiled – not too surprising, however, because he is a scientist who refuses to support wildly hyped global warming…