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Gary Wolfram, Ph.D. | April 9, 2008

     Candidates for president of the United States are being judged on their “plans” for the economy, health care, retirement, housing, etc.

     However, in 1920 the renowned Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises published “Socialism,”…

Jeff Poor | April 9, 2008

     The old-school legacy newspapers are having a hard time making it today as the Internet has brought fierce competition and advertising dollars are drying up.


     But Michael Phelps…

Jeff Poor | April 8, 2008

     The transformation of the news business might be taking its first big-name casualty soon.


     The April 8 New York Times reported network-giant CBS is in negotiations with CNN to…

Jeff Poor | April 8, 2008

     It’s an epic debate for the environmentally conscious – the tree versus the solar panel. Which does more for the environment?

     The debate found a battleground in California, and the April 7 “CBS Evening News” highlighted the…

Jeff Poor | April 7, 2008

     Living with a global economy has given protectionists plenty to gripe about.  

     In the 1970s and 1980s, it was the Japanese. At other times European investors have been the object of protectionist scorn. But over the last 20…

Jeff Poor | April 4, 2008

     People love rooting for the underdog and it appears the media is no exception.


      A Staten Island family was somehow able to secure a $335,000 mortgage with only a $30,000-a…

Paul Detrick | April 4, 2008

     You’re going to need a few extra bucks to pay for those corn flakes every morning.

     CNN’s senior business correspondent Ali Velshi let viewers in on an underreported fact about rising…

Jeff Poor | April 4, 2008

     The momentum of embryonic stem cell research will be changing direction if Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) has his way.

    Specter forecasted that federal funding will be used to pay for embryonic stem cell research. He was promoting…

Jeff Poor | April 3, 2008

     It’s another case of your government working for you, instead of you working for yourself.


     After the Federal Reserve engineered a plan for JPMorgan Chase (NYSE:JPM) to take…

Jeff Poor | April 3, 2008

     Giving financial advice, especially on TV, is more dangerous than you might think.


     CNBC “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer appeared on the April 3 “Squawk Box” and claimed he has…

Nathan Burchfiel | April 3, 2008

     Though economists are less than certain, a U.S. economy in recession is a foregone conclusion for many in the media. The April 3 NBC “Today” show offered a light at the end of an economic tunnel, however.

     Natalie Morales…

Jeff Poor | April 2, 2008

♪♫ ♪ Bad boys, bad boys – what ya gonna do? What ya gonna do when the foreclosure police come for you? ♪♫ ♪


     That sounds like a theme song for some really bad reality television. However, ABC’s April 2…

Dan Gainor | April 2, 2008

     Pity poor Al Gore. The former presidential candidate has a trophy room Tiger Woods would envy. He’s got the Nobel Peace Prize, an Emmy, even an Oscar. But much like his failed presidential campaign, Gore can’t win the big game.

Nathan Burchfiel | April 2, 2008

     It seems that mainstream media reporters have finally started to realize that ethanol isn’t the environmental salvation it was hyped to be.


     The cover story of the April 7 issue…

Jeff Poor | April 2, 2008

     After the Federal Reserve engineered JPMorgan Chase’s (NYSE:JPM) takeover of beleaguered investment bank Bear Stearns (NYSE:BSC), some media outlets portrayed the act as the government bailing out Wall Street while…

BMI Staff | April 2, 2008
Media Pit 'Main Street' Against Wall Street Its a tired comparison: Wall Street versus Main Street, and youre hearing it in the presidential campaign and media coverage…
Jeff Poor | April 2, 2008

     Discrimination is a problem this country has faced throughout its history. People have been singled out for various characteristics they could not change – ethnicity or origin, color, race or sex.


Jeff Poor | April 1, 2008

     Could John McCain have been the Independent or Democratic senator from Arizona?

     Though that sounds awkward, especially in the midst of a presidential race with McCain as the GOP’s nominee, but one Washington insider claimed…

Jeff Poor | April 1, 2008

     It’s that time of the year – the oil company CEO-grilling time.


     As driving season heats up, a congressional committee has summoned oil executives and the media are laying the…

Jeff Poor | March 31, 2008

     In what seems like a bizarre twist, a prominent Democrat has come out in favor of the Bush administration’s plan to restructure the regulatory authority of the Federal Reserve.

