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Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | January 14, 2010

Editor, Washington Post

1150 15th St., NW

Washington, DC 20071

Dear Editor:

Regarding "Tens of thousands feared dead" (Jan. 14): The ultimate tragedy in Haiti isn't the earthquake; it's that country's lack of…

Julia A. Seymour | January 14, 2010

Corporations often take a beating from the news media, but on Jan. 14 CNN found a reason to praise the actions of several U.S. companies.

“Corporate America contributing millions of dollars to the relief effort in Haiti as well as providing…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | January 14, 2010

13 January 2010

Editor, USA Today

Dear Editor:

Helen Ashworth writes that "Our current economic crisis is worse than the Great Depression" (Letters, Jan. 13). She's wrong. By no measure - rate of unemployment; decline…

Julia A. Seymour | January 13, 2010

The national unemployment rate rests at 10 percent after 85,000 more jobs were lost in December, while the number of people too discouraged to look for work increased by 642,000. CNBC’s Steve Liesman called those figures “absolutely devastating…

BMI Staff | January 13, 2010

Networks Fail to Criticize Obama Despite Most Jobs Lost in a Year Since 1940 More than 4.1 millions jobs disappeared in 2009, but the network media are not…

Jeff Poor | January 12, 2010

It hasn’t been in the limelight recently, but it is coming. According to CNBC contributor John Kilduff of Round Earth Capital, we will soon see the price of reach $100 per barrel.

On CNBC’s Jan. 11 “The Kudlow Report,” host Larry Kudlow…

Jeff Poor | January 11, 2010

Throughout former President George W. Bush’s two terms, left-wingers often accused him of being too tied into big business, which they claimed had influenced policy.  Remember the outrage over Blackwater ties to the Bush administration?…

Matt Philbin | January 8, 2010

As global warming alarmists get more desperate, they’re turning to allies in the mainstream media to help promote increasingly strident protests that the world really is warming.

Nobody is happier to oblige than ABC News. On Jan. 8, “…

Julia A. Seymour | January 8, 2010

Unemployment shot up in 2009 from 7.7 percent in January to 10.1 percent in October before settling at 10 percent in December. Behind those percentages were more than 4.1 million people who lost their jobs during the year. According to data from…

Jeff Poor | January 5, 2010

Imagine this – a view of the floor of Chicago Mercantile Exchange at some forthcoming time, but instead of soybeans, pork bellies, corn and wheat, traders are exchanging water and/or water futures.


That seemed to be the vision…

Jeff Poor | December 29, 2009

If there was ever a textbook example of kissing up to a host in a TV interview, Rep. Jim Moran, D-Va., made it on MSNBC’s “The Ed Show.”

On the Dec. 28 broadcast, Moran, who represents a district that is just a stone’s throw away from…

Dan Kennedy | December 23, 2009

As a holiday present to himself, on a TV holiday special with Oprah, President Obama gave himself a first year grade of B+.

This he earned, apparently, by stacking up a sky-high unemployment rate, points higher than the worst case scenario…

Julia A. Seymour | December 22, 2009

While Senate Democrats scurry to pass an unpopular health care reform bill by Christmas Eve, CNN did something rare on Dec. 22: they offered two different perspectives on the bill, including a critic’s view.

That critic was University…

Julia A. Seymour | December 21, 2009

Activists and, in many cases, the news media often attack big businesses of all stripes, from coal, gas and oil to food or pharmaceutical companies.

The targeted companies often refuse to defend themselves. But one high profile CEO decided…

Dan Kennedy | December 18, 2009

For husbands everywhere, Tiger Woods. By comparison, we all look good. Even Letterman, Gov. Sanford and former Sen. Edwards said – “See!” It’s like going to your wife’s high school reunion and discovering the quarterback she could have…

Jeff Poor | December 17, 2009

If you believe polls, current Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke favorability has been slipping. A recent Rasmussen Reports poll indicates that only 21 percent of Americans favor his reappointment as the Fed chair.

And this hasn’t…

Jeff Poor | December 17, 2009

It’s often said markets function better when there is gridlock in Washington, D.C. because there’s less of a chance for government will interfere in the private sector, creating a sense of security. But in this day and time, that theory applies…

Julia A. Seymour | December 16, 2009

When Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson retooled the $700 billion bailout known as the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) in 2008, the news networks found outrage.

In 2008, reports attacked Paulson, stacking “angry House Democrats”…

BMI Staff | December 16, 2009

Media Go Easy on Obama As He Reinvents, Extends TARP to Weeks before Midterm Elections Network news shows barely report criticism of 'slush fund' tactics,…

Dan Gainor | December 16, 2009

In “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” author Robert Kiyosaki explained the different views of wealth that poor and rich people have. Kiyosaki showed readers how to learn from those opposite outlooks and be successful.

President Barack Obama must be…