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Jeff Poor | February 3, 2010

As the old cliché goes, you don’t use a sledgehammer to crack a nut, but according to Rick Santelli, that’s exactly what it appears the Obama administration is doing terms of financial regulation and fiscal discipline.

On CNBC’s Feb. 2…

Jeff Poor | January 29, 2010

The government’s traditionally enforced safety standards on automobiles sold in the United States. But the government didn’t always own a car company. So you’d expect the media to take a hard look when the government’s roles as regulator and…

Julia A. Seymour | January 29, 2010

Fourth quarter GDP growth “beat expectations,” exciting some journalists on Jan. 29. But a number of economists were downbeat.

The 5.7 percent growth for the last quarter of 2009 sparked media reactions on both MSNBC and CNN.


Jeff Poor | January 28, 2010

President Barack Obama encouraged some business interests by mentioning nuclear energy and offshore drilling during his Jan. 27 State of the Union speech. Those less popular energy solutions joined the usual alternative rhetoric of wind, solar…

Julia A. Seymour | January 28, 2010

President Barack Obama’s plan to “freeze” a tiny portion of the federal budget hit Washington with a “thud” Jan. 26.

Conservatives argued that the spending freeze Obama would highlight in his State of the Union address Jan. 27 wasn’t…

Julia A. Seymour | January 28, 2010

Keith Olbermann should keep a calculator on hand during his broadcasts. If he’d had one, the liberal MSNBC host of “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” could have run the numbers on Jan. 27 following the State of the Union address.

BMI Staff | January 27, 2010

Media Ignore Contradiction between Obama's Middle Class Giveaways, Spending 'Freeze' After the upset in Massachusetts last week, the Obama…

Julia A. Seymour | January 27, 2010

In an attempt to boost flagging approval ratings, President Barack Obama announced a series of initiatives aimed at helping out the middle class on Jan. 25, two days ahead of his State of the Union address.


The networks, which…

Jeff Poor | January 26, 2010

It was initially thought the election of President Barack Obama was just going to hit your pocketbook in the form of higher taxes. But if the past several days are any indication, the president has found another way to hit it – by attacking your…

Jeff Poor | January 25, 2010

It’s curious to see people in the mainstream media try to make sense of the Tea Party movement. The New York Times, which once called the Tea Parties a psychological phenomenon rather than a political movement, has now changed its tune.


Jeff Poor | January 25, 2010

Is the luster finally wearing off the love affair between the White House press corps and President Barack Obama? It is, if CBS White House correspondent Chip Reid’s analysis of President Barack Obama’s latest Wall Street proposals is anything to…

Jeff Poor | January 22, 2010

CNBC “Squawk Box” co-hosts Joe Kernen and Becky Quick understand public opposition to Obamacare. Unfortunately, their colleague John Harwood, who covers Washington, D.C. for the network, doesn’t.


On Jan. 22, Harwood appeared…

Julia A. Seymour | January 22, 2010

The news media have often taken President Barack Obama’s side against banks, portraying bankers as the villains. But that was not the case on “American Morning” Jan. 22.

Business correspondent Christine Romans surprisingly blamed the…

Jeff Poor | January 21, 2010

Since Republican Scott Brown won the special election Jan 19 to fill Massachusetts’ U.S. Senate seat vacated after the death of Ted Kennedy, President Barack Obama and high-level White House staffers David Axelrod and Robert Gibbs have been on…

Julia A. Seymour | January 21, 2010

Liberal billionaire investor Warren Buffett has been very popular among the news media, but that might not hold if Buffett continues to dissent from President Barack Obama.

On Jan. 20, Bloomberg reported that Buffett opposed Obama’s…

Jeff Poor | January 21, 2010

When you breach the sacrosanct wall between church and state, and use religion to promote policy, bad things happen. At least, that’s what the left has been telling us for years.

But Rev. Jim Wallis, editor-in-chief of Sojourners…

Julia A. Seymour | January 21, 2010

Americans are generous people, and they prove it every time a disaster strikes like last week’s earthquake in Haiti. They have donated more than $275 million to relief efforts in the Caribbean nation in the week since the quake.


BMI Staff | January 20, 2010

Companies Donate $83 Million to Haiti, Get Less Than Three Minutes of Coverage When tragedy strikes as it did in Haiti last week, American individuals and…

Matt Philbin | January 19, 2010

We don’t yet know the outcome of the Jan. 19 Massachusetts Senate special election. But the very fact that the Democrats could lose the seat formerly held by Sen. Ted Kennedy to a conservative who’s made blocking healthcare reform a centerpiece…

Julia A. Seymour | January 15, 2010

Crony capitalism is often a charge liberals make against conservative politicians, but Fox Business Network found an example of such cronyism connected to the Obama White House that included tax breaks and direct endorsements by both the…