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Aly Nielsen | October 14, 2016

Among the disturbing WikiLeaks emails was evidence of a liberal agenda to undermine the Catholic faith. And billionaire George Soros is funding much of that agenda.

Sandy Newman, president of liberal Voices for Progress, and John Podesta…

Julia A. Seymour | October 12, 2016

NBC executives had planned to use video of the vulgar discussion between Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and Billy Bush to influence the election.

Julia A. Seymour | October 12, 2016

While many activists fighting the Dakota Access oil pipeline have been exposed and even arrested for trespassing on the property, Climate Direct Action turned to criminal eco-…

Aly Nielsen | October 12, 2016

When Warren Buffett released his tax information on Monday, the media went wild. But they refused to report that nearly $2 billion of his “charitable contributions” funded abortion.

According to Buffett’s Oct. 10…

Callista Ring | October 11, 2016

The Hillary Clinton Campaign threw an off the record party and only liberal media were invited, recently leaked emails revealed.

A source identifying himself as Guccifer 2.0 provided The Intercept with emails…

Sam Dorman | October 11, 2016

The Wikileaks emails are revealing not only how close the press is to Clinton, but how much they’ll hide it. No one on Squawk Box confronted CNBC Chief Washington Correspondent John Harwood about leaked emails showing him cozying…

Sam Dorman | October 11, 2016

Comedians often knock celebrities for spending too little time in their marriages. In September 2016, ABC spent too much time on one celebrity’s marriage and too little on voters’ most important issue: the economy.  …

Sam Dorman | October 10, 2016

The fallout from the Trump’s lewd video continues to impact NBC. CNN’s Brian Stelter reported on Oct. 11, that a source from NBC’s Today said host Billy Bush’s firing is imminent and a matter of “when,…

Aly Nielsen | October 6, 2016

The New York Times’ largest stakeholder is the 4th richest man in the world — Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim — but readers might not know that because it’s news the Times often considers unfit to print.

Slim owns…

Callista Ring | October 6, 2016

Proving again that its new podcast slants left, Clarify bashed the policies of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher for current problems with the economy. Nevermind the many years since those leaders were in charge.

That’s right. No…

Julia A. Seymour | October 6, 2016

There was major negative economic news on Oct. 4, when the International Monetary Fund released its latest World Economic Outlook, but the broadcast networks paid no attention that night.

The group issued new estimates…

Julia A. Seymour | October 4, 2016

Actor Leonardo DiCaprio sat on the White House lawn on Oct. 3, and proclaimed that anyone who doesn’t not believe in climate change “should not be allowed to hold…

Sam Dorman | October 3, 2016

National Baseball Hall of Famer Johnny Bench threw his support to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, and argued on CNBC’s Squawk Box that Trump could “change Washington.”

“I’m going for…

Sam Dorman | September 29, 2016

For two months prior to the first presidential debate, the networks’ evening news shows ignored news of "very weak" GDP growth in their broadcasts.

The Washington Examiner reported on Sept. 29, that the…

Aly Nielsen | September 29, 2016

Following the first presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, appeared on The View to praise Clinton.

Mook faced softball questions from all but former Fox News contributor…

Julia A. Seymour | September 27, 2016

The first presidential debate pitting Donald Trump against Hillary Clinton on Sept. 26, kicked off with the topic “achieving prosperity.” Not that you’d ever really know it from the questions asked by moderator Lester…

Aly Nielsen | September 26, 2016
1. 1. George Lucas

With a net worth of $5.1 billion, George Lucas is not just the wealthiest celebrity supporting Clinton — he’s the wealthiest celebrity, period.

A September 2016 report from Center for Public Integrity listed…

Sam Dorman | September 26, 2016

The same day Hillary Clinton will face off against Donald Trump in the first presidential debate, more than 300 economists blasted Hillary Clinton’s economic agenda in The Hill.

“Hillary Clinton's economic agenda is wrong…

Aly Nielsen, Katie Yoder | September 22, 2016

The gender wage gap is often grossly overstated — a problem driven by Hollywood and the media.

In this week’s AlliKat Show, Alli Nielsen and Kat Yoder take on a new video from The Huffington Post called “…

Julia A. Seymour | September 21, 2016

Energy & Environmental Legal Institute released new documents showing what it called “collusion” between the Environmental Protection Agency, environmentalist groups and even reporters.
