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Julia A. Seymour | March 11, 2019

Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg won’t be running for president in 2020, but the billionaire media mogul has vowed to continue trying to eradicate the coal industry. He’s also promised to target oil and gas.

Left-wing Think…

Alexander Hall | March 8, 2019

A YouTube spokesperson told BuzzFeed that “[a]s part of our ongoing efforts to build a better news experience on YouTube, we are expanding our information panels to bring fact checks from eligible publishers to YouTube.” While this…

Alexander Hall | March 7, 2019

Facebook has been the public image of social media with 2.5 billion users. Now Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says he wants the company to focus on making things private.

While tech commentators have debated his motivations, Zuckerberg…

Julia A. Seymour | March 7, 2019

The World Wildlife Fund for Nature often appears in the news. Its experts and studies pushing environmental topics get reported. In fact, its Mexico branch was mentioned in an Associated Press story about butterflies March 6, just days after the…

Alexander Hall | March 6, 2019

Twitter CEO controls what people say on his platform. He found out he doesn’t have the same power appearing on the latest episode of the Joe Rogan podcast. It  featured Rogan and journalist Tim Pool teaming up against representatives from…

Alexander Hall | March 5, 2019

ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt spoke recently about how he has worked with Silicon Valley tech elites to crush speech he finds offensive.

In a February 26 panel hosted by the Council on Foreign Relations, Greenblatt announced that he has…

Alexander Hall | March 5, 2019

When Google investigated itself for gender wage gaps, it found a result few would have expected: it was underpaying men for doing the same general work as women. 

Google’s “pay equity analysis” released on Monday…

Julia A. Seymour | March 5, 2019

Jobs growth has been one of the brightest economic growth points under President Donald Trump’s administration. Even the year after many economists anticipated the U.S. was “at or near” full employment, monthly jobs gains…

Julia A. Seymour | March 5, 2019

Job growth has been on a tear under President Donald Trump and the booming labor market helped narrow the unemployment gap for prominent minority groups. The networks just didn’t bother reporting it 95 percent of the time.

Since the…

Alexander Hall | March 4, 2019

A computer game job applicant claims his final interview was made up of nothing but political questions, nothing about actual job skills. 

A developer for the game program “Dragonpunk” lamented via their official @…

Alexander Hall | March 4, 2019

Facebook has banned another right-winger, but Wired UK isn’t impressed, slamming the ban as disingenuous. The magazine apparently wants Facebook to get serious about repressing conservative speech, and even has a suggestion about who to ban…

Alexander Hall | March 1, 2019

Conservative commentator Michelle Malkin gave a speech at the 2019 CPAC conference on Friday, which included a fiery call to action against big tech censorship.

“Nice is not enough,” Malkin said. “Logic and facts and…

Corinne Weaver | February 28, 2019

Former Vice President Joe Biden is taking his sweet time in deciding if he’s going to run for President in 2020. But a look at his plans might determine the answer anyway.

CNBC interviewed an anonymous source from Twitter who said…

Alexander Hall | February 28, 2019

Whose side is Big Tech on? That’s the question as Microsoft employees signed a petition calling on their employer to stop working with the United States military.

Nearly 100 employees united against Microsoft working with the…

Julia A. Seymour | February 28, 2019

How much would a Green New Deal cost? That’s the $93 trillion question some media outlets won’t ask.

New estimates suggest the price tag of the climate and economic ideas contained in the Green New Deal promoted by Rep.…

Alexander Hall | February 27, 2019

Tuesday night on the Fox News Channel, Donald Trump Jr. and Fox News host Tucker Carlson went off on how ‘woke capitalism’ may doom the American people — especially thanks to tech companies. 

Carlson and Don Jr. are…

Corinne Weaver | February 27, 2019

In a troubling new video released by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, a former Facebook employee detailed the alleged suppression of conservative content on the social media platform. Facebook has denied the allegations.


Corinne Weaver | February 27, 2019

Financial processors who ban websites and businesses based on political ideology practice another, more insidious form of social media censorship. If blog or account depends on donations or sales of merchandise, it is vulnerable to being starved…

Alexander Hall | February 26, 2019

Facebook has once again betrayed its commitment to being a platform for free speech.

The site announced its ban of activist Tommy Robinson early February 26. Facebook staff alleged he had called for “violence.” Robinson…

Julia A. Seymour | February 26, 2019

Socialism causes “hellish” suffering and desperation for Venezuelans. But there’s been a major failure by the broadcast networks in their coverage of the South American country’s economic collapse.
