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Corinne Weaver | March 20, 2019

“We’ve looked at the top social media companies. Twitter always ends up being the worst of the bunch,” MRC Vice President of Business and Culture Dan Gainor said on Trish Regan Primetime on Fox Business on March 19.

Julia A. Seymour | March 20, 2019

California’s “Mediterranean climate” gets attention when it can be used to leverage panic over climate change and when people’s lives and properties are at risk. But the broadcast networks have proved that when it cycles…

Alexander Hall | March 20, 2019

Facebook punished a Pro-Life post by the Texas GOP because it supposedly was considered “clickbait.” Republicans are not convinced. 

The Texas GOP Caucus on March 17 Sunday posted on Facebook about the “Texas Born…

Alexander Hall | March 20, 2019

YouTube deplatformed a Navy Seal veteran whose Youtube channel showed him exposing fake veterans.

Retired Senior Chief Petty Officer Don Shipley used his channel, Buds131, to expose impostors claiming to be Navy SEALs. He helped expose…

Alexander Hall | March 19, 2019

The White House Director of Social Media, Dan Scavino Jr. announced on Monday that Facebook blocked him from replying to posts. 

“Dear Facebook—AMAZING. WHY ARE YOU STOPPING ME from replying to comments followers have…

Julia A. Seymour | March 19, 2019

CNN Newsroom anchor Brooke Baldwin had a wide-ranging softball interview with former Vice President Gore that revealed her biases on climate and his involvement so far in the 2020 race.

In addition to getting Gore’s thoughts about…

Alexander Hall | March 19, 2019

A video hosting website banned Fairview Baptist Church’s account for streaming a conference that discussed traditional Christian teaching on homosexuality.

Vimeo informed the Fairview Baptist Church of Edmond, Oklahoma, that its…

Corinne Weaver | March 19, 2019

Social media companies cannot simply censor content without expecting consequences. So it should come as no surprise that Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) is suing Twitter for $250 million in damages.

In a complaint filed on March 18, Nunes stated…

Corinne Weaver | March 18, 2019

It should come as no surprise that a “voting company” that partnered with social media companies in 2018 failed to help voters register as advertised.

Facebook and Twitter touted TurboVote as a voting reminder and an aid in…

Corinne Weaver | March 18, 2019

Twitter claims to be against “hate speech” and for “healthy conversation.” But the amount of anti-Semitic material allowed on its platform tells a different story.

The aftermath of a confrontation between Chelsea…

Corinne Weaver | March 18, 2019

The case against social media platforms and their consistent censorship of conservative content is growing rapidly.

In a new op-ed by Donald Trump Jr., the president’s son slammed Facebook, Instagram, and Google for their latest…

Alexander Hall | March 15, 2019

Social media outlets raced to remove content in the wake of the New Zealand mosque shooting. In the aftermath, media members criticized the tech companies for their inability to restrict the shooter’s footage and manifesto of the New…

Julia A. Seymour | March 14, 2019

As if searching for a way to criticize the late 2017 tax cuts, the broadcasts networks aired a series of panicked reports about tax returns in February. Roughly 80 percent of Americans taxes were cut by the legislation, yet the broadcasts…

Alexander Hall | March 14, 2019

Big Tech just ran into a big buzzsaw. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) scorched a Google executive during a Committee hearing on consumer privacy, complaining about “creepy” revelations of misbehavior.

Hawley sparred with Google…

Alexander Hall | March 13, 2019

Twitter is getting ready to make major changes that are already being criticized as new ways to limit speech and benefit what the company CEO calls “healthy conversation.” 

Twitter unveiled new changes at the SXSW (South…

Alexander Hall | March 13, 2019

While YouTube may publicly deny demoting videos based on their "specific political perspectives,” both right and left wing commentators have noticed a huge drop in recommendations. 

In February there has been a massive drop in…

Julia A. Seymour | March 13, 2019

What do Bill Gates, Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Sen. Bernie Sanders have in common? They all want the rich to pay higher taxes. Bloomberg News appears to be on board with their goal.

“Gates is saying what the Democratic candidates…

Alexander Hall | March 12, 2019

CNN is expanding it’s partnership with Twitter to better cater to advertisers on the platform. 

Where previously companies could only buy ad space according to content category, now they can purchase ad space around the most…

Alexander Hall | March 12, 2019

The blog site news blog Zero Hedge complained that Facebook has banned users from sharing its posts. 

Zero Hedge pseudonym "Tyler Durden" (named for the rebellious anti-hero from Fight Club.) has claimed via his blog that…

Julia A. Seymour | March 12, 2019

There was good news in the latest jobs report. The national unemployment rate fell back to 3.8 percent in February, although the numbers of jobs added was well below expectations. The Hispanic unemployment rate also fell to a new record low of 4.…