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Corinne Weaver | April 23, 2019

Election manipulation is something the media have typically associated with Russians. But one liberal billionaire funnelled 56 times more money into manipulating content to win elections than the Russians.

News for Democracy, a political…

Julia A. Seymour | April 22, 2019

This Earth Day The Washington Post Magazine used images of burning globes, an illustration of sea levels so high modern apartments resemble Atlantis, and a photo illustration of Marines raising a green flag over Iwo Jima.

And that was…

Alexander Hall | April 22, 2019

Logic and identity politics are clashing as tech workers openly question the dogma of diversity.

Quartz reported on an internal conflict at Microsoft as employees accused the tech company of discriminating against Asian and white men. The…

Corinne Weaver | April 22, 2019

Social media platforms have pledged to rid their sites of “hate” and “terrorism.” But after the horrific bombing in Sri Lanka that killed nearly 300 Christians on Easter, they have remained strangely silent.

Julia A. Seymour | April 19, 2019

Columbia Journalism School wants “a new playbook” for journalism in a “1.5 degree world” because “we believe the news business must also transform.” So they’ve handpicked a selection of global warming…

Corinne Weaver | April 19, 2019

Social media platforms and Big Tech companies have been slowly working to censor content on their platforms more efficiently.

Emma Llanso, Director of Free Expression at the Center for Democracy and Technology, wrote in an op-ed for Wired…

Alexander Hall | April 19, 2019

Social media companies are going to have to come up with a solution for privacy scandals. Otherwise, the government will do it for them and their bosses won’t like it.

On Thursday, two sources told NBC News that regulators are…

Corinne Weaver | April 18, 2019

Big Tech bias hits even at times of major news. After the Mueller Report was released April 18, journalists and pundits took to social media to analyze the findings. But no one would know there was  “no evidence of Trump campaign…

Corinne Weaver | April 18, 2019

Ideological diversity is crucial when it comes to building a well-balanced fact-checking team. But the left won’t accept anyone who isn’t on their side.

Facebook’s controversial fact-checking program announced on April…

Julia A. Seymour | April 18, 2019

Chevron’s winning streak in the courtroom against Ecuador over pollution remediation continued in April. So did the liberal media’s silence on the battle.

ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows ignored the story that night. Major…

Alexander Hall | April 17, 2019

On April 16 cartoonist Ben Garrison announced on Twitter that he had been banned by Instagram for supposedly “violating their terms.” But he said it more likely posting conservative speech Instagram didn’t like. 

Corinne Weaver | April 17, 2019

While Twitter might not be sure as to who is a Nazi and who isn’t, it thinks bots can help decide. And, like it or not, more censorship is on the horizon.

At a TED talk/interview given on April 16, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey spoke…

Alexander Hall | April 17, 2019

Antitrust is coming for Big Tech, at least according to one business expert.

Prof. Scott Galloway, of the NYU Stern School of Business, said it will take some time, but there will a bipartisan breakup of Big Tech. “I believe DOJ or…

Julia A. Seymour | April 17, 2019

How do millionaire entrepreneurs feel about the government taking more of their money?

Yahoo Finance editor-in-chief Andy Serwer found out when he invited one of them on his Influencers show April 12. He asked entrepreneur Gary…

Alexander Hall | April 16, 2019

Google gathers so much data on its users that police are relying on that information to help solve crimes. And that has privacy advocates very worried.

Google’s phone location tracking system Sensorvault has been dubbed the “…

Corinne Weaver | April 16, 2019

Data gathered from millions of individual users was apparently handed out as gifts at Facebook.

In a new leak published by NBC, it was determined that Facebook did not sell data to third-party companies or advertisers. Instead, that data…

Corinne Weaver | April 16, 2019

Social media companies are not only censoring, but they are also adding a new item to the agenda: make sure no one mentions that it’s happening.

The TV company Starz asked Twitter to take down users’ tweets on a story…

Julia A. Seymour | April 15, 2019

There are actually three certainties of life: death, taxes and that the liberal media will condemn tax cuts.

The New York Times published side-by-side stories on tax day about the impact of the 2017 tax reform bill. The first was about…

Alexander Hall | April 15, 2019

A tech company that investigates job applicant social media posts has found “red flags” in roughly 24.5 percent — marking them for sexism, racism, and hate speech.

Companies are hiring California-based Fama Technologies…

Corinne Weaver | April 15, 2019

An organization that includes an offensive tweeter has no business petitioning to ban someone else from Twitter.

The Women’s March has launched a petition asking Twitter to ban President Donald Trump on March 13. The group reacted…