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Julia A. Seymour | April 30, 2019

It’s clear The New York Times has its mind made up about climate change and the debate is over — at least in their newsroom.

Speaking on a journalism panel on April 30, International climate change reporter Somini Sengupta…

Matt Philbin | April 30, 2019

Social media companies appear to be tossing away their copies of SPLC’s bogus “hate map.” It took a while, but Facebook finally responded to the April 3 call from MRC President Brent Bozell and numerous other conservative…

Alexander Hall | April 30, 2019

Markus Persson, aka “Notch,” the original inventor of the worldwide video game phenomenon Minecraft, has been memory-holed by Microsoft from the game’s history for being politically incorrect.

Persson created the…

Alexander Hall | April 30, 2019

In the latest case of Big Tech interfering with elections, Twitter recently banned at least two candidates running for office. 

Tommy Robinson (legal name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon) is both the former leader of the English Defence League…

Corinne Weaver | April 30, 2019

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s many interviews in the past few months left the media wondering: where does he get his information?

In an interview with podcaster Sam Harris, Dorsey dropped that he knew that journalists who leaned left…

Julia A. Seymour | April 30, 2019

The U.S. economy grew so much more than expected in the first quarter that CNBC’s Rick Santelli called it a “whopper” and “really powerful” news on April 26. A day later, the news made the front page of The…

Corinne Weaver | April 29, 2019

Facebook seems to struggle with the concept of transparency, especially when it comes to how it goes about banning and censoring content.

The mystery was somewhat illuminated when a journalist from the The Telegraph (U.K.)was allowed to…

Julia A. Seymour | April 26, 2019

Economic growth bested expectations by nearly a percentage point in the first quarter, and “pushes back” against recent recession fears, according to CNBC.

“First look at first quarter GDP and it is a whopper! 3.2…

Corinne Weaver | April 26, 2019

Twitter is so mired in liberal propaganda that it views opposition ideology as the equivalent of white supremacy.

In a report by Vice’s Motherboard,  a Twitter executive told an employee in a meeting that Twitter could not…

Corinne Weaver | April 26, 2019

Ideological bias runs rampant in the search to regulate the internet.

In the U.K., on the heels of the Home Secretary’s new proposals for regulating the internet, the Oxford Internet Institute announced a new commission to “…

Julia A. Seymour | April 25, 2019

There’s often a clear anti-capitalist bent to environmental alarm, as Guardian columnist George Monbiot proved again April 25.

“Our choice comes down to this. Do we stop life to allow capitalism to continue, or stop capitalism…

Corinne Weaver | April 25, 2019

Apparently it’s easier to just pay fines than it is to make active changes to a site’s privacy policies — when your Big Tech company is big enough.

In the last quarter, Facebook pulled in more than $15 billion in revenue…

Alexander Hall | April 25, 2019

Google has come under fire from both Republicans and Democrats for its invasions of privacy. Now Congress wants is holding its feet to the fire. 

Democrats and Republicans from the House Energy and Commerce Committee penned an April…

Corinne Weaver | April 25, 2019

Google has gone out of its way to attack conservatives. Americas PAC, a pro-life,conservative political action committee run by Tom Donelson, has fallen afoul of Google’s ad policies for creating and running pro-life ads. Americas PAC…

Corinne Weaver | April 25, 2019

Facebook is subtly trying to discredit conservative media as “conspiracy theories” and it’s using Wikipedia to do it.

The company’s latest policy update, “Expanding Our Fact-Checking Program,” included…

Julia A. Seymour | April 25, 2019

A $1.25 trillion giveaway program to college grads and future college students deserves scrutiny, not praise as a “bold,” “sweeping” or “ambitious” plan that could “distinguish” Sen. Elizabeth…

Alexander Hall | April 24, 2019

On Wednesday, it was announce that liberal actress Kathy Griffin is hosting the Shorty Awards, the online social media awards show with a heavily liberal slant. 

Even by Hollywood standards, these awards appear remarkably politicized…

Corinne Weaver | April 24, 2019

After a meeting with President Trump on April 23, Twitter rolled out some stronger policy changes.

Twitter is ready to prevent misinformation on its platform, says Twitter Safety’s new blog post. The article stated that “Any…

Alexander Hall | April 24, 2019

One way to fight Big Tech tyranny might be a new Texas bill that aims to stop companies from discriminating against conservative viewpoints. 

The bill by Republican state Sen. Bryan Hughes would prevent Big Tech companies from…

Corinne Weaver | April 24, 2019

Note: Language may offend some readers.

The liberal narrative is that President Donald Trump cannot accomplish anything in office.

So when Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey met with Trump April 23, the general consensus from the media and…