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Joseph Vazquez | February 19, 2024

One of ABC’s legendary Shark Tank investors dismantled the logic behind a radical judge’s asinine ruling against former President Donald Trump.

Kevin O’Leary — a.k.a “Mr. Wonderful” — called the ruling by leftist New York Supreme Court…

Christian Baldwin | February 19, 2024

Blaze Media podcast host Glenn Beck is sounding the alarm about Big Tech’s latest efforts to stifle free speech just in time for the 2024 election.

Beck addressed the growing concerns during an episode of The Glenn Beck Show on…

Catherine Salgado | February 16, 2024

A federal judge has issued a preliminary injunction against government efforts to silence the COVID-19 debate, to take effect after a historic Supreme Court ruling.

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his fellow…

Nicholas Schau | February 16, 2024

Big Tech’s race to create AI has produced yet another concerning hiccup, proposing a potentially catastrophic international outlook.

A staggering total of five AI programs, including some owned by Meta and OpenAI, were prone to pick…

Christian Baldwin | February 16, 2024

Four members of a House Armed Services subcommittee have issued a new letter demanding answers from a major advertising agency contracted by the U.S. Air Force for its shady connections to leftist media ratings firms with a track record of trying…

Tom Olohan | February 16, 2024

The Verdict with Ted Cruz co-host Ben Ferguson exposed Big Tech’s plans for those who run afoul of the left’s narrative. And it goes beyond mere censorship.

Ferguson went on MRC’s UnCensored with MRC Free Speech America Vice President…

Christian Baldwin | February 16, 2024

Australia’s Communications Minister threatened that X (formerly Twitter) will be in “big trouble” if it does not comply with the country’s proposed new censorship laws.

The Australian Financial Review reported February 12 that…

Catherine Salgado | February 16, 2024

Communist Chinese government-tied TikTok proudly announced its work to fact-check and crush free speech ahead of European Union elections.

TikTok patted itself on the back and claimed it is the app for “trusted and authoritative” election…

Tom Olohan | February 16, 2024

Leftist billionaire George Soros has reportedly acquired a massive stake in America’s second-largest radio company, igniting concerns about potential influence ahead of the 2024 election.

Soros Fund Management purchased $400 million of…

In a move that impacts European Union Parliamentary elections and provides an ominous warning for U.S. elections, Google — which also owns YouTube — is determined to make its mark on the election process.

In a Feb. 9 blog post, Google…

Christian Baldwin | February 15, 2024

The leftist taxpayer-funded Voice of America is very concerned about the spread of “misinformation” amid the 2024 presidential election. The outlet is so concerned about the spread of online hate that they are contributing to the fight by…

Luis Cornelio | February 15, 2024


The Media Research Center has the receipts to show that artificial intelligence poses a grave danger to media critical of the Biden administration.

OpenAI, one of the largest artificial intelligence companies in America…

Joseph Vazquez | February 14, 2024

A leftist legal group heavily funded by leftist billionaire George Soros is trying to convince a federal appellate court that the First Amendment right to free speech doesn’t necessarily protect … free speech.

The Lawyers’ Committee for…

Catherine Salgado | February 14, 2024

The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and a George Soros-funded organization are worried about a supposed lack of election censorship.

A Feb. 10 PBS segment hysterically asked, “Can social media companies safeguard the 2024 election…

Tom Olohan | February 14, 2024

The Daily Wire host Matt Walsh took apart President Joe Biden’s self-defeating Super Bowl video about “shrinkflation.” 

On the Feb. 12 edition of The Matt Walsh Show, Walsh pointed out the absurdity of Biden’s Super Bowl video which…

Catherine Salgado | February 13, 2024

Is Meta ignoring Communist China's abuses to retain ad revenue? One researcher has argued as much.

Meta, the parent company of Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram, receives billions of dollars in ad revenue from Chinese companies, said…

Joseph Vazquez | February 13, 2024

Consumer prices jumped hotter-than-expected, and leftist media outlets were predictably fumbling over themselves trying to spin the bad news in any which way they could to protect the floundering Biden economy.

The latest Bureau of Labor…

Tom Olohan | February 13, 2024

Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt rebuked Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) during a Feb. 8 speech at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, directly blaming the leftist ideology for growing anti-Semitism.

Haidt’s attack on…

Tom Olohan | February 12, 2024

The Biden administration and leftist billionaire George Soros are tied at the hip, working in cahoots to undermine Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. 

The U.S. Department of State entrusted Soros-funded Ökotárs Foundation and…

Catherine Salgado | February 9, 2024

Microsoft’s Bing search engine is reportedly censoring content in Communist China to hide the government’s genocide against the Uyghurs.

The New York Post reported on Feb. 8 that it had reviewed Bing image search results for “Uyghur” in…