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Joseph Vazquez | April 7, 2020

The Economist and The Financial Times Editorial Board both published liberal spin advocating for policies straight out of the socialist handbook.

It’s as if the eco-extremists in the liberal media bleating about climate change in…

Alexander Hall | April 7, 2020

Could 1984-esque conditions really be heralded by the same Big Tech company that brought us cheerful Google doodles?

If Google’s totalitarian monitoring of people’s locations amidst lockdown weren’t disturbing enough,…

Joseph Vazquez | April 6, 2020

Liberal billionaire George Soros’s millions are still being used to exploit the coronavirus in an attempt to damage President Donald Trump’s chances for re-election.

A new report by Advertising Analytics found that…

Corinne Weaver | April 6, 2020

Twitter has been accused of shadowbanning prominent conservatives in the past. One conservative business owner says the company is still doing it — to him.

“Twitter seems to be restricting how many people can see my tweets!…

Alexander Hall | April 6, 2020

Twitter quietly lifted its ban on coronavirus-related ads in early April, so long as companies play by a very specific set of rules.

“Twitter and Google banned coronavirus-related ads in an effort to curb misinformation and stop…

Joseph Vazquez | April 6, 2020

In his iconic style, President Donald Trump took to Twitter Monday to rip into the liberal New York Times and The Washington Post.

The president tweeted that “Advertising in the Failing New York Times is WAY down. Washington…

Alexander Hall | April 3, 2020

What steers Google’s policy decisions? Liberal outrage, apparently.

Google has made two major changes in its ad policies after massive pushback by liberals and the media. Google and YouTube completely reformed their approach to no…

Joseph Vazquez | April 3, 2020

Insufferable New York Times opinion columnist Thomas Friedman is exploiting the pandemic to spew climate change drivel at President Donald Trump.

In an op-ed headlined “With the Coronavirus, It’s Again Trump vs. Mother Nature…

Corinne Weaver | April 3, 2020

2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s campaign released a video in March deceptively depicting President Donald Trump calling the coronavirus a “hoax.” Twitter refused to label or take the video down, in accordance…

Alexander Hall | April 2, 2020

On Tuesday, Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson and guest Harmeet Dhillon slammed Twitter for allowing communist regimes to spread misinformation while censoring scientific debate about the cure for COVID-19.

Carlson acknowledged…

Michael Morris | April 2, 2020

Worried about the spread of the coronavirus? Many are, but is allowing the United States government to track people using location data a good idea?

A slim majority of 84 tech experts surveyed have said that the U.S. government should not…

Joseph Vazquez | April 2, 2020
Yesterday was April Fools’ Day. Looks like a prominent liberal business outlet did not get that memo and fell prey to a major climate change prank. MarketWatch ran a story on April Fools’ Day originally headlined “Google will no…
Joseph Vazquez | April 2, 2020

Liberal media outlets were quick to shill for former President Barack Obama’s recent swipes at President Donald Trump.

CNN, USA Today and The Washington Post all pushed liberal spin stories elevating Obama’s tweet, which took…

Corinne Weaver | April 1, 2020

Third-party fact-checkers have the ability to cause pages on Facebook to be suppressed. These fact-checkers, who are paid by Facebook, are putting efforts into fact-checking satire and editorial cartoons. In other words — opinion.

Alexander Hall | April 1, 2020

One of the internet’s foremost tech journalists accused Fox News of spreading a “fake news contagion,” downplaying COVID-19, and Fox News host Sean Hannity fired back.

Recode co-founder and New York Times contributor…

Joseph Vazquez | April 1, 2020

Liberal media talking heads on Twitter continue to spew garbage at MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell for being invited by President Donald Trump to speak at a coronavirus task force briefing.

Conservative Fox News host Greg Gutfeld went nuclear…

Alexander Hall | March 31, 2020

Is Twitter going easy on dictators because the platform is too busy censoring conservatives?

Several Twitter accounts belonging to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei were suspended early Tuesday March 31, according to Al Arabiya…

Heather Moon | March 31, 2020

Fox News host Laura Ingraham ran afoul of Twitter’s new Coronavirus rules, and was punished for it.

Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) tweeted: "Lenox Hill in New York among many hospitals already using Hydroxychloroquine with very…

Alexander Hall | March 31, 2020

Facebook is committing 100 million dollars toward local journalism hit hard in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Facebook has reportedly already invested $300 million in local news companies, but following recent events, Facebook…

Joseph Vazquez | March 31, 2020

Leftists with blue checkmarks on Twitter lost their minds when MyPillow CEO and Trump supporter Mike Lindell spoke about faith and his company’s plans to deal with the coronavirus in the White House Rose Garden.

Liberal MSNBC Anchor…