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Joseph Vazquez | April 16, 2020

It appears some of the most liberal billionaires in the United States are joining forces with California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) to give pandemic relief funding to illegal immigrants.

CNN seemed pleased to mention a list of groups…

Alexander Hall | April 15, 2020

Ready for Big Tech companies to review your movements to avoid the COVID-19 pandemic?

In mid-May, Apple and Google will lay the groundwork for optional technology that will notify users when they have entered the presence of a person…

Joseph Vazquez | April 15, 2020

Liberal outlet Politico exploited the coronavirus-induced "economic meltdown" and translated it into a political tool to be used by Democrats against Republicans to win races in Texas.

In an absurd story headlined,…

Alexander Hall | April 14, 2020

Censorious tech activist and former Reddit CEO Ellen K. Pao took a swing at President Donald Trump during a time of crisis.

Pao bashed the president in a tweet April 14. Pao included in her tweet an article from The Washington Post…

Joseph Vazquez | April 14, 2020

Bloomberg News shut down an investigation into Chinese Communist Party elites, fired the reporter on the beat and then targeted that reporter’s wife to keep her mouth shut, according to a new NPR report.

The Bloomberg reporters…

Joseph Vazquez | April 13, 2020

The former Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (Drug Czar) under late President George H.W. Bush had some pretty explosive things to say about how data models and the reaction to COVID-19 have affected Americans and the economy…

Alexander Hall | April 13, 2020

It apparently took a lockdown for liberals to realize how badly they need to step up their game on YouTube.

With much of the country staying at home on their computers, liberals are flailing in their attempts to utilize the internet as…

Joseph Vazquez | April 13, 2020

Liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg may have failed his ridiculously expensive White House bid, but the amount of cash he continues to spend is still being put to use for Democratic Congressional contenders.

Data compiled by Advertising…

Alexander Hall | April 10, 2020

Can you put a price on your privacy? Twitter can, apparently.

Say goodbye to your information privacy on Twitter. It now belongs to advertisers. “Twitter has removed a privacy feature that allowed all users to stop sharing some…

Heather Moon | April 10, 2020

Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter Eric Carmen (@RealEricCarmen) is battling Twitter. The open conservative and supporter of President Trump often complains that his tweets are being suppressed and that Twitter is deleting his followers. For…

Alexander Hall | April 10, 2020

Is there an American Big Tech company that isn’t sympathetic to the communist regime in China?

“Grammar app Grammarly has started flagging the phrase ‘Chinese virus’ in references[sic] to the virus and the…

Joseph Vazquez | April 10, 2020

Far-left commentator Sally Kohn somehow thinks state governments ordering nonessential businesses to close means they aren’t forcing businesses to lay off their workforces.


Sinclair’s Eric…

Alexander Hall | April 9, 2020

Under the guise of coming after violent extremists, the anti-Christian, anti-conservative Southern Poverty Law Center is coming after mainstream conservative organizations.

The SPLC’s Hatewatch division released a blog “…

Joseph Vazquez | April 9, 2020

The Washington Post continues to ruin its reputation by relying on a mix of a Soros-affiliated organization, the UN and the ADL to claim criticism of China’s handling of the coronavirus is racist.

The Post’s story is…

Alexander Hall | April 8, 2020

Move over big government! One Big Tech leader is the latest mover and shaker of liberalism now.

Twitter and Square head Jack Dorsey pledged a whopping 28 percent of his wealth to help fund coronavirus relief, and promised the rest to girl…

Corinne Weaver | April 8, 2020

Twitter automatically tags interests for accounts based on the user’s activity. However, it appears as if accounts are being flagged based on their interests. In at least one prominent user’s case, it may have caused his account to be…

Joseph Vazquez | April 8, 2020

A left-wing group funded with millions from liberal billionaire George Soros’s Open Society Network tried to get the FCC to label President Donald Trump’s coronavirus briefings as “hoaxes.”

The attempt failed.

The Federal…

Heather Moon | April 7, 2020

Update: A representative from Facebook responded to a request for comment on Thursday, April 9 and explained that the issue was a technical error that has since been resolved, and the page is no longer being restricted.


Alexander Hall | April 7, 2020

Move over, Russia. News outlets run by the Chinese government are waging the new information war on Facebook.

“Chinese state media is flooding Facebook and Instagram with undisclosed political adverts whitewashing its role in the…

Joseph Vazquez | April 7, 2020

Leave it to The New York Times economist Paul Krugman to continue to infuse his wacky partisan theories into an ongoing pandemic.

Krugman retweeted lefty CNN Analyst Keith Boykin’s one-sided quip over Assistant to the President and…