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Alexander Hall | May 18, 2020

If normal radical liberals in Big Tech weren’t bad enough, Twitch has named a transgender streamer who self-identifies as a deer to be on the platform’s “Safety Advisory Council.”

Steph “FerociouslySteph…

Alexander Hall | May 18, 2020

The U.S. Justice Department and state attorneys general may file antitrust lawsuits against search giant Google, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Attorney General William Barr, according to The Journal May 15, sees this probe against…

Joseph Vazquez | May 18, 2020

Ads from Soros-funded Priorities USA Action exploiting the coronavirus to spit venom at President Donald Trump continue to dominate the TV airwaves.

Advertising Analytics latest “The Week in Review” report stated that…

Alexander Hall | May 15, 2020

Liberal website ratings firm NewsGuard has expanded its partnership with Microsoft in order to spread “news literacy.”

NewsGuard describes itself as a company that provides “credibility ratings” and detailed “Nutrition Labels” on news and…

Joseph Vazquez | May 15, 2020

Sky News Australia definitely didn’t pull any punches in its criticisms of CNN’s nutty idea to put Greta Thunberg alongside health experts on a "coronavirus town hall" last night.

Sky News Australia’s The…

Joseph Vazquez | May 15, 2020

The Lincoln Project, led by anti-Trumpers like George Conway and Rick Wilson, had been asking for cash to help blast a disgusting anti-Trump coronavirus ad “Mourning in America” across the TV airwaves.

The group's…

Heather Moon | May 15, 2020

Facebook has shut down two of the Michigan shutdown protest groups.

“Michiganders Against Excessive Quarantine” and “Michigan United for Liberty” were Facebook groups created as a result of the Michigan lockdowns.…

Alexander Hall | May 15, 2020

After years of Big Tech being in the spotlight for anti-conservative bias, Google appears to have cut back its far-left diversity and inclusion programs.

“Google has significantly rolled back its diversity and inclusion initiatives…

NB Staff | May 14, 2020

Facebook’s new Oversight Board poorly represents conservatives. That was the conclusion of a new Media Research Center report “The Radical Views Behind Facebook’s New Oversight Board.”

“If Facebook wants to be a real platform, let people…

Alexander Hall | May 14, 2020

Move over Russia. China is waging a massive disinformation war in an attempt to destabilize the United States by scapegoating it for spreading the COVID-19 virus.

“An army of bot accounts linked to an alleged Chinese government-…

Joseph Vazquez | May 14, 2020

A big irony is in development. The liberal billionaire owner of The Washington Post, which had decried that President Donald Trump’s 2017 tax law was showering “billions of dollars worth of tax relief on upper-income people and…

Corinne Weaver | May 14, 2020

Facebook’s new Oversight Board has been criticized as too liberal and too international to decide on American content. The current structure of the board ensures that. Fifteen of the 20 board members are from outside the United States.…

Alexander Hall | May 13, 2020

Facebook unleashed an artificial intelligence program to scour users’ posts for “hate speech” and “misinformation.”

“Facebook on Monday released a new report detailing how it uses a combination of…

Joseph Vazquez | May 13, 2020

In a world ransacked by the coronavirus pandemic, CNN seems to think its viewers want to hear radical lefty teen climate activist Greta Thunberg’s opinion on the matter.

CNN sent out a tweet May 13 announcing the news: “Former…

Joseph Vazquez | May 13, 2020

A liberal newspaper admitted the public health costs the virus-induced global economic disaster could have on the global population and how its effects could likely outpunch the coronavirus itself.

“The economic devastation wrought by the…

Corinne Weaver | May 13, 2020

Out of the first 20 members on Facebook’s new Oversight Board, only two are on the right. Michael McConnell, one of those two, told the Media Research Center in an exclusive interview not to expect many more conservatives from the next 20…

Alexander Hall | May 12, 2020

Twitter is now slapping labels and warnings on content to let users know what they are and aren’t allowed to post about the COVID-19 crisis.

“Starting today, we’re introducing new labels and warning messages that will…

Alexander Hall | May 12, 2020

As U.S. lawmakers close in on Big Tech with antitrust investigations, Facebook is striking back by aiding the launch of a powerful tech lobby.

“Facebook is working behind the scenes to help launch a new political advocacy group that…

Joseph Vazquez | May 12, 2020

Economist and member of the Save Our Country Task Force Stephen Moore came out swinging against neglecting the economy further amidst the ongoing pandemic.

After noting that over 200,000 people worldwide, and over 70,000 Americans, have…

Joseph Vazquez | May 11, 2020

After remaining relatively quiet this election cycle, the liberal billionaire globalist George Soros broke his silence in an interview to discuss the pandemic and attack President Donald Trump in the process.

In an interview with…