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Alexander Hall | May 26, 2020

Twitter’s terms of service say the platform doesn’t need a reason to terminate users or meddle with user content, and it appears its warning was no bluff.

Josh LeKach’s show Wrong Opinion engages with anti-establishment and radically…

Joseph Vazquez | May 26, 2020

A liberal dark money operation pushing “fake news” to hurt President Donald Trump in the 2020 election is pulling out all the stops.

OpenSecrets revealed that “political operations are pouring millions of ‘dark money’ dollars into ads and…

Corinne Weaver | May 26, 2020

YouTube is blocked in China by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). But that doesn’t seem to stop the censorship of criticism about the CCP.

According to Palmer Luckey, the founder of tech companies Oculus and Anduril, YouTube deleted…

Alexander Hall | May 23, 2020

Twitch tried to downplay concerns over an advisory board member who identifies as a deer and believes many gamers are “white supremacists.”

Twitch, the platform for watching internet celebrities broadcast as they play video…

Joseph Vazquez | May 22, 2020

GOP senators are furious after a disgusting revelation that Planned Parenthood has been getting millions in coronavirus relief funds, a new report said.

Fox News reported that Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) is spearheading a letter co…

Alexander Hall | May 22, 2020

What liberals can’t achieve with the ballot box, they can count on Big Tech mega donors to bring to life.

“Jack Dorsey, the billionaire CEO of Twitter and mobile-payment company Square, is giving $5 million to Humanity Forward…

Corinne Weaver | May 22, 2020

Facebook’s new Oversight Board promises to be committed to freedom of expression. But that principle might better reflect an international standard, rather than a First Amendment-based American one.

In an op-ed published by…

Joseph Vazquez | May 22, 2020

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) has been vastly criticized for his poor handling of the coronavirus, and one Fox Business anchor has had enough of him.

De Blasio sent out a tweet May 21, saying, “I met with our…

Alexander Hall | May 21, 2020

If you install updates on your phone without reading the details then you might get an unwanted surprise. The latest involves contact tracking technology.

Contact tracing technology, in theory, will notify users when they have entered the…

Joseph Vazquez | May 21, 2020

New York Times economist Paul Krugman continues to unleash liberal bile just to take disgusting shots at President Donald Trump, Republicans, and ordinary Americans for wanting to reopen the economy.

Krugman penned an absurd May…

Alexander Hall | May 21, 2020

MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski has called for Twitter to deplatform a sitting president.

Brzezinski used both her show and her Twitter to demand that President Donald Trump be deplatformed. She even went so far as directly accusing him of…

Joseph Vazquez | May 20, 2020

If there was ever a reason to defund liberal National Public Radio (NPR) from its taxpayer cash flows, this latest news surely makes a strong case.

NPR’s Media Correspondent, Host and Editor David Folkenflik published a…

Heather Moon | May 20, 2020

President Donald Trump retweeted a video on Saturday that was quickly deleted.

The video was a short clip from a speech that conservative Michelle Malkin gave decrying social media censorship of conservative voices.


In one of the richest counties in America, hundreds of cars line up for food assistance. It’s a scene repeated around the country. But mega-millionaire actor Robert De Niro wants the economy to stay shut down, warning of “a global…

Alexander Hall | May 20, 2020

While clips will be available on his YouTube channel, world-famous podcast host Joe Rogan is moving his massively popular and free talk show exclusively to the Spotify platform.

“The Joe Rogan Experience, one of the most popular podcasts…

Corinne Weaver | May 19, 2020

A co-chair of the Facebook Oversight Board admitted that conservatives had reason to believe that the Board was “loaded” with “people from the progressive side of the spectrum.”

Four members of the Facebook…

Alexander Hall | May 19, 2020

Facebook’s CEO has taken flak from both the left and the right for how he runs his platform, but Mark Zuckerberg appears to have set his sights on preventing China from corrupting the internet.

Zuckerberg warned in a livestream…

Joseph Vazquez | May 19, 2020

You’d think that Bloomberg News would want to lay low after a recent report showing it censored a story about Chinese elites and fired the reporter behind it.

The news outlet is still shilling for Beijing and its tyrant…

Corinne Weaver | May 19, 2020

The founder of Wikipedia, Larry Sanger, has some harsh words for his old platform, which he said has changed from what he wanted it to be.

“Wikipedia no longer has an effective neutrality policy,” he wrote in his blog on May…

Joseph Vazquez | May 18, 2020

Liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg has gone from “scrapping” his plan for an independent expenditure campaign to reportedly planning to spend a heap of cash to support presumptive Democratic nominee for president Joe…