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Alexander Hall | August 21, 2020

Big Tech has allowed open season on President Donald Trump for years, but cracks down quickly on criticism of the Democratic presidential ticket.

Conservative media analyst and author Mark Dice announced that “Facebook censored a viral…

Kayla Sargent | August 21, 2020

Despite recent news that the social media platform Reddit would allow President Donald Trump’s campaign to run ads on the platform, the company still squashes free speech on the platform.

Reddit has banned nearly 7,000 subreddits since…

Joseph Vazquez | August 21, 2020

Americans for Tax Reform founder Grover Norquist struck down the idea that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s tax hikes will be good for people’s wallets and life savings.

Fox Business Host Stuart Varney questioned…

Corinne Weaver | August 21, 2020

Facebook fact-checkers should be “nonpartisan and transparent.” But they defended Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) 20 times to one over the course of 10 days. 

Since former Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden…

Alexander Hall | August 20, 2020

Facebook’s latest bans include a purge of some Antifa accounts, which the left quickly defended. Leftist organizations and journalists themselves have covered for the banned groups, gaslighting that they are not tied to violence. 


Kayla Sargent | August 20, 2020

A recent Pew Research Center (Pew) study found that most Americans are, at least to some extent, concerned about online censorship and the ability of social media companies to handle misinformation. 

The Pew study, published on…

Joseph Vazquez | August 20, 2020

One top CATO economist is letting The Wall Street Journal have it for pushing more federal bailouts for states and using liberal spin to justify it.

CATO Director of Tax Policy Studies Chris Edwards slammed The Journal for…

Kayla Sargent | August 20, 2020

In their campaigns to censor opposing viewpoints, Facebook has blocked and Twitter has provided warning labels to the Plandemic: Indoctrination video.

NBC News reporter Brandy Zadrozny tweeted on August 18, “Facebook not allowing users to…

Alexander Hall | August 19, 2020

Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey has been caught following a pro-Antifa radical activist who specializes in doxxing people 

“A notorious Antifa doxxer was soliciting the public for identifying information of those who participated in the…

Alexander Hall | August 19, 2020

Facebook revealed its new “Dangerous Individuals and Organizations” policy to crack down on groups the platform said are “tied to violence.” It was the latest of many revisions in Facebook policies in recent weeks, all seemingly connected to the…

Kayla Sargent | August 19, 2020

With only a few months left before the presidential election, Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg claimed that the platform is prepared to remove posts from President Donald Trump to fight what the platform has deemed misinformation…

Alexander Hall | August 19, 2020

Bleeding-heart liberal Bruce Springsteen’s pro-Biden anthem was flagged by Facebook’s third-party fact-checkers … until Facebook reportedly explained its mistake after backlash.

“The Democratic National Convention video of the Bruce…

Corinne Weaver | August 19, 2020

The GOP welcomed the “most-banned woman” with open arms as its candidate for the 21st Congressional District House seat in Florida. But tech companies seem reluctant to budge on their bans of Laura Loomer. 

Loomer’s opponent,…

Joseph Vazquez | August 19, 2020

The Big Three’s ignorance of an astounding market rally reached a climax last night.

The S&P 500 closed at 3,389.78, breaking a record set at its February peak (3,386.15). It eliminated all of its losses taken from the…

Alexander Hall | August 18, 2020

It’s not just social media that’s massively biased anymore! Conservative firebrand and Florida GOP frontrunner Laura Loomer, has reportedly been targeted by a major cable company.

NewsMax contributor Carl Higbie announced on Twitter that…

Joseph Vazquez | August 18, 2020

The liberal billionaire owner of the pro-China Bloomberg News Michael Bloomberg is set to bleed through another set of millions to help Democrat congressional candidates in November.

The billionaire is currently slated to spend a whopping…

Kayla Sargent | August 18, 2020

Facebook is all too ready to crack down on hate speech when it has suggested the right has stepped out of line, but its standards do not appear to apply to Indian politician T. Raja Singh, which raises questions about the rules it applies in the…

Joseph Vazquez | August 18, 2020

U.S. Interior Secretary David Bernhardt is set to approve oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). Liberals and journalists lost their minds.

The Wall Street Journal reported that “[t]he Trump…

Alexander Hall | August 18, 2020

Christian conservative satire website The Babylon Bee was suspended and reinstated by  Twitter after allegedly “violating” the platform’s rules against “manipulation and spam.”

Big Tech companies have proven time and time again that…

Heather Moon | August 18, 2020

Bill Mitchell, host of a popular online radio show “YourVoice America,” equated Twitter with “the Devil” and said his ban from the site was a “pure political hit job.”

Mitchell noted that news of his permanent Twitter ban quickly became a…