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Alexander Hall | February 25, 2021

Guerrilla journalism outlet Project Veritas leaked shocking footage from an alleged Salesforce meeting. The video purported to show a meeting of high ranking employees vow that their services will ban messaging from former President Donald Trump…

Kayla Sargent | February 25, 2021

Only once in a blue moon do Republicans and Democrats agree on an issue. And it appears as though Big Tech’s market dominance has been so egregious that it has caused the two sides to at least agree that something must be done. 


Heather Moon | February 25, 2021

A new Anti-Defamation League study labels conservative commentators and members of the “Intellectual Dark Web” as “gateways” to extremist content. 

The five authors of the Anti-Defamation League study titled “Exposure to Alternative…

Joseph Vazquez | February 25, 2021

The activist leading the leftist “dark money” group behind the Iowa Democratic Caucus app fiasco is trying to funnel millions into her gambit to fight conservative media.

ACRONYM CEO and Democratic strategist Tara McGowan has been…

Kayla Sargent | February 24, 2021

The war against free speech has spilled over from Big Tech and has now begun to rage in traditional media forums. The left has now sought to target conservative media in a congressional hearing today, but House Republicans were not having it.…

Nicholas Cantin | February 24, 2021

Back on February 18, MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle sucked up to Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) with a softball question about the GameStop stock price war, suggesting that perhaps it wasn’t fair for the average American to use a resource…

Joseph Vazquez | February 24, 2021

Fox Business host Stuart Varney ripped the draconian lockdowns inflicted by states in the U.S. in an editorialized segment of his show.

Varney didn’t mince words when he began his segment with the following statement: “Enough is…

Alexander Hall | February 24, 2021

Big Tech was once seen as a haven for whistleblowers and journalists. But Twitter has changed all that and has been using its tools to besmirch news outlets for reportedly exposing nefarious government activity.

After years of enabling…

Alec Schemmel | February 24, 2021

Facebook has come to an agreement with the Australian government in order to bring back Australian news to its platform.

In retaliation to a proposed law in Australia that would require tech giants like Facebook and Google to pay for news…

Craig Bannister | February 24, 2021

Since he’s been permanently banned from Twitter, former President Donald Trump enlisted the help of one of his 2020 campaign advisors to post “Get Well” wishes to Tiger Woods after the five-time Masters Tournament winner was hurt in a car…

Alexander Hall | February 23, 2021

LifeSiteNews said they have been financially kneecapped by Google.

LifeSiteNews author Gualberto Garcia Jones stated that “thanks to our conference on the morality, legality and science behind the covid vaccines, Google has completely…

Kayla Sargent | February 23, 2021

The censorship war against conservatives on social media is far from over. But now, with the pressure on Big Tech and media providers, Democrats are raging and set to lead the charge against Fox News, Newsmax and One America News Network…

Alexander Hall | February 23, 2021

Twitter has reportedly shut down a pro-family news outlet’s account for weeks after it merely acknowledged a Biden administration official’s biological sex.

“Global Christian ministry Focus on the Family remains locked out of its Twitter…

Joseph Vazquez | February 23, 2021

Two California representatives spearheaded a letter calling on mass liberal cable, satellite and Big Tech companies they took donations from to censor Fox News, Newsmax, and One America News Network. The call to silence these outlets by Democrat…

Corinne Weaver | February 23, 2021

Amazon sells many different books that preach a hateful ideology, including ones by Osama Bin Laden, Adolf Hitler and Charles Manson. But it banned one by an author criticizing the transgender ideology.

President of the Ethics and Public…

NB Staff | February 23, 2021

Media Research Center President Brent Bozell and conservative leaders on Tuesday released a letter to the Attorneys General of the states calling for an investigation into whether Big Tech companies like Twitter, Facebook, Google and YouTube are…

Casey Ryan | February 23, 2021

Donald Trump Jr. decided to lead the charge in combating Big Tech by joining YouTube alternative Rumble.

“It’s a platform that still believes in freedom of speech,” he said of his decision to use Rumble. “It’s not like so many of the…

Kayla Sargent | February 22, 2021

YouTube has, once again, cracked down on testimony that it decided was “misinformation” about COVID-19. 

The video-sharing platform removed a video featuring testimony from Thomas Renz, an attorney for the anti-lockdown advocacy…

Alexander Hall | February 22, 2021

YouTube has not stopped its censorious ways. Now the platform has torched a Newsmax interview with former President Donald Trump.

“YouTube took down a newly recorded interview with former President Donald Trump in Google’s latest…

Joseph Vazquez | February 22, 2021

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows censored news on a White House-backed "dark money" group being formed to help sell President Joe Biden’s leftist agenda to the American people.

A Wall Street Journal exclusive revealed that Biden’s…