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Gabriela Pariseau | June 1, 2021

A recent survey conducted by the leftist Public Religion Research Institute associated the COVID-19 laboratory leak hypothesis with QAnon conspiracy theories. 

The leftist Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), a nonprofit…

Autumn Johnson | May 31, 2021

The Detectives’ Endowment Association slammed Amazon after merchandise reading ‘Blue Lives Murder’ was listed for sale on the website. This is only the latest example of Amazon selling hateful merchandise.

The group demanded that Amazon…

Autumn Johnson | May 29, 2021

A Big Tech trade group has filed a lawsuit over Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ new free speech law, arguing that the law violates the First Amendment.

NetChoice, an internet trade group that “works to make the internet safe for free…

Autumn Johnson | May 28, 2021

Facebook has decided to resume political donations — excluding conservative Republican members of Congress like Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Josh Hawley, Rep. Jim Jordan, and Rep. Steve Scalise.

The social media giant says it will no longer give…

Alexander Hall | May 28, 2021

Alleged Facebook insider Morgan Kahmann went public in an interview with Project Veritas to reportedly expose Facebook’s system to crack down on COVID vaccine criticism.

“One of two Facebook Insiders featured in Project Veritas’ recent #…

Kayla Sargent | May 28, 2021

Some groups on the left have organized in an effort to fight back against Florida’s new free speech law and have taken their complaints to court. 

NetChoice and the Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) filed a…

Joseph Vazquez | May 28, 2021

Liberal outlets are trying to scare readers again about alcohol consumption. They are pushing a study that hasn’t been peer-reviewed to claim any alcohol consumption will damage the brain.

The sensational anti-alcohol headlines based on…

Joseph Vazquez | May 27, 2021

The Associated Press (AP) tried to run cover for President Joe Biden by gaslighting readers on his role in rising gas prices.

AP ran another one of its useless “fact-checks” headlined, “AP FACT CHECK: House GOP falsely blames Biden for…

Alexander Hall | May 27, 2021

A day after Facebook backtracked on its policy of censoring content that questioned the origins of COVID-19, the platform declared it was launching a new wave of censorship on content it qualifies as “misinformation” using its so-called “…

Joseph Vazquez | May 27, 2021

Climate Depot Founder Marc Morano spoke with the Media Research Center about former Vice President Al Gore’s useless 2006 eco-extremist film An Inconvenient Truth after its 15th anniversary on Monday.

The key point? Several major,…

Kayla Sargent | May 27, 2021

Media Research Center President L. Brent Bozell slammed the “fraudulent” Facebook fact-checker program for spreading communist Chinese propaganda after Facebook announced it was backtracking on its policy of censoring content that questioned the…

Alexander Hall | May 27, 2021

Conservative commentator Candace Owens said her Facebook account was silenced for 24 hours after inquiring whether COVID-19 vaccines were pushed too hastily.

After Facebook allegedly censored her page, Owens took to Twitter in a May 25…

Gabriela Pariseau | May 26, 2021

Project Veritas may have just exposed Facebook — again. This time, Project Veritas Founder James O’Keefe alleged that Facebook documents detailed an algorithm test that targeted users concerned about COVID-19 vaccinations.

Project Veritas…

Kayla Sargent | May 26, 2021

Washington, D.C. has entered the battle against Big Tech with a new antitrust lawsuit against Amazon.

D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine filed the antitrust complaint against Amazon. The lawsuit alleged that “[c]ompetition and consumers…

Alexander Hall | May 26, 2021

Comedian, actor and commentator Russell Brand interviewed independent journalist Glenn Greenwald and raked Big Tech companies over the coals for interfering with the 2020 election. 

“Did the media and social media conspire together…

Kayla Sargent | May 26, 2021

Throughout the pandemic, Big Tech censored mountains of claims that COVID-19 may have originated in a laboratory in Wuhan, China. Now, however, new evidence has made the laboratory origin claim a more widely accepted theory.

Senator …

Joseph Vazquez | May 26, 2021

New disclosures with the Department of Justice revealed plainly what many have suspected. The liberal media are completely in the tank for communist Chinese propaganda.

The Washington Free Beacon revealed that the Chinese Communist Party-…

Joseph Vazquez | May 26, 2021

The damage that President Joe Biden’s disastrous policies would deal to U.S. miners appeared to even be too much for the left-wing outlet Reuters.

Reuters published a new story completely tearing into the Biden administration for…

Alexander Hall | May 25, 2021

Have you no shame? Facebook VP of Global Affairs Nick Clegg wrote an opinion piece calling to spread the American value of free expression after a year of unprecedented censorship.

After Facebook’s infamous year of censoring then-sitting…

Kayla Sargent | May 25, 2021

Big Tech has a long history of censoring the free press and free-thinking political candidates on their platforms. But now Big Tech corporations will have to pay the price for censoring political candidates in Florida thanks to new legislation…