Latest Blogs

Catherine Salgado | November 1, 2021

A proposed law in the United Kingdom (U.K.) would reportedly regulate social media like a “hazard industry,” with new methods of censorship. Free speech advocates should be concerned.

The U.K. Online Safety Bill would allow communications…

Joseph Vazquez | November 1, 2021

CNN tried to sell a false headline alleging that a fraction of the world’s richest man’s wealth could solve world hunger. CNN’s story was headlined, “2% of  [Tesla co-founder and CEO] Elon Musk's wealth could solve world hunger, says…

Autumn Johnson | October 31, 2021

Twitter was criticized after it failed to remove tweets suggesting that Glenn Youngkin, the GOP nominee for Virginia Governor, had white supremacists at a rally.

The rally members were later discovered to be Democrats with ties to the…

Autumn Johnson | October 30, 2021

Trade Group NetChoice has once again criticized the Texas “free speech” law.

The law is aimed at preventing social media platforms from suspending accounts or removing posts based on political ideology. NetChoice said the new law will…

Autumn Johnson | October 29, 2021

A bombshell report indicated that Google blocked ads from an animal advocacy group that raised awareness on cruel dog experiments.

The experiments were funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH), a division led by Dr. Anthony Fauci…

Joseph Vazquez | October 29, 2021

The left-wing media’s sad record of elevating President Joe Biden’s “Build Back Better” farce has crashed and burned so hard with Americans that even left-wing polls can’t hide it.

Navigator Research, which bills itself as a “resource for…

Alexander Hall | October 29, 2021

Facebook has reportedly restricted yet another American conservative politician, North Carolina Mayor BJ Barnes with little explanation other than that the ban is “irreversible.”

Platforms continue to penalize conservative politicians.…

Catherine Salgado | October 29, 2021

Facebook’s policies prohibit doxxing on the platform. Yet Facebook allowed The Cincinnati Enquirer to post private information, including an address, for Lakota school board candidates.

The Enquirer is “Pulitzer Prize-winning local…

Joseph Vazquez | October 29, 2021

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening networks censored another disastrous economic report that incriminated the feckless policies of President Joe Biden. 

The Commerce Department’s new report showed that third quarter annualized GDP…

Autumn Johnson | October 28, 2021

A federal judge in Florida has ruled that the former presidential status of Donald Trump does not exempt him from Twitter’s rules.

The former president was suspended after the Jan. 6 riot in Washington, D.C.

A judge ruled in favor…

Catherine Salgado | October 28, 2021

“Who is going to be the unbiased arbiter of truth? I don’t think it exists,” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) said, challenging the leftist narrative pushing for greater censorship of online speech.

Johnson called out leftist witnesses for…

Joseph Vazquez | October 28, 2021

“Spending is the real problem,” said the world’s richest man when he dismantled the logic behind the Democratic Party’s latest class warfare tax-the-rich scheme.

Tesla co-founder and CEO Elon Musk took to Twitter in response to a…

Joseph Vazquez | October 28, 2021

Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe reportedly bought ads promoting what Fox News called a “fake news” website to boost his image on social media. And the broadcast evening news shows censored it.

Fox News reported Oct. 27…

Catherine Salgado | October 27, 2021

It’s not the first time a Big Tech executive bragged about censoring speech online, and it likely won’t be the last. A YouTube executive testified at a Senate hearing yesterday that the platform had removed more than one million videos for so-…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | October 27, 2021

It’s Episode Nine of MRC’s new video series, CensorTrack with TR. This week, we talked about the newest trend for sporting events, bumper stickers, T-Shirts, and songs, “Let’s Go Brandon,” and how Big Tech is exhausting all efforts to silence the…

Catherine Salgado | October 27, 2021

Facebook’s algorithms and tools reportedly unfairly limited conservative news sites and personalities. Facebook employees also reportedly exerted continual pressure on their company to censor more. But Congressmen have had enough and spoke out…

Joseph Vazquez | October 27, 2021

The leftist activist behind the liberal news operation Courier Newsroom is at it again with a new scheme that is being backed by some of America’s most notorious liberal billionaires.

Tara McGowan — founder of the “dark money” group…

Alexander Hall | October 27, 2021

A new poll commissioned by MRC with McLaughlin & Associates shows 51.8 percent of voters blame Big Tech for “election interference” in the 2020 presidential election. 

The Post uncovered emails indicating that then-candidate Joe…

Autumn Johnson | October 26, 2021

UPDATE: There are now four “Let’s Go Brandon” songs in the Top 10 on iTunes.

From rags to riches. Dueling artistic spins on “Let’s Go Brandon,” the popular anti-Biden song are making waves online as both occupy the top spots on…

Autumn Johnson | October 26, 2021

According to documents dubbed "The Facebook Paper," the comapny's internal racial justice chat exposed that the company prioritized left-wing politics in its decision-making. Which included calls for a right-wing news site to be excluded…