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Autumn Johnson | May 31, 2022

The Supreme Court temporarily blocked a Texas law that aims to prevent discriminative censorship on social media platforms.

The decision did not rule on the merits of the law but instead placed it on hold until federal courts decide…

Jeffrey Clark | May 31, 2022

President Joe Biden released his “plan for fighting inflation” in a recent op-ed for The Wall Street Journal. Spoiler alert: The villains behind high inflation are everywhere but the White House, according to Biden.

But some confronted…

Catherine Salgado | May 31, 2022

An advisor for the Biden administration’s Ministry of Truth once suggested that discouraging differences in opinion at the government level was a bad thing. Irony abounds!

Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) advisor Michael Chertoff…

Alexander Hall | May 31, 2022

Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID) torched the Biden administration for creating the Disinformation Governance Board, vowing to work with fellow politicians to curb its influence. 

“Idahoans have been rightfully concerned with the Biden…

Autumn Johnson | May 30, 2022

A Meta spokesperson said the World Economic Forum will have a “leadership” role in the Metaverse.

Reclaim The Net reported that the World Economic Forum (WEF) will be a big part of the metaverse’s commitment to “inclusion and equity.”…

Jeffrey Clark | May 27, 2022

The attorney general of Kentucky joined a growing chorus of voices exposing environmental, social and governance standards as politically motivated, anti-free market, anti-family and plain old woke nonsense. 

“There is an increasing…

Catherine Salgado | May 27, 2022

The World Economic Forum published an article advocating to “disrupt” current educational methods in favor of using virtual reality and the metaverse, partly to combat climate change.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) in a blog post Monday…

Joseph Vazquez | May 27, 2022

CNBC twisted exclusive comments it received from Tesla CEO Elon Musk to make it seem like he’s a gun control activist but buried his overall support for the Second Amendment.

Musk reportedly emailed a number of comments about…

Autumn Johnson | May 26, 2022

Twitter faced bad news this week after the Federal Trade Commission fined the platform $150 million.

The platform was accused of improperly selling user data without consent. The Department of Justice (DOJ) filed the complaint on behalf…

Brian Bradley | May 26, 2022

Another day yields another liberal news story that protects Big Tech from allegations of election interference to benefit the left.

Just days after Politico defended leftist Google from allegations of election interference, The Washington…

Joseph Vazquez | May 26, 2022

The Washington Post continued its idiotic comparison of Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) to the self-proclaimed white supremacist Buffalo, New York, mass shooter in an attempt to publicly shame her donors. 

The liberal rag’s hit piece was…

Catherine Salgado | May 26, 2022

The Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board may be paused, but it’s not yet disbanded. And President Joe Biden’s chosen consultants indicate that the board still plans to censor Americans. 

If the Biden administration’s picks for…

Jeffrey Clark | May 26, 2022

The NBC, CBS and ABC morning news shows completely ignored a devastating report showing the economy shrank more than expected in the first quarter. 

The Bureau of Economic Analysis reported on May 26 that gross domestic product (GDP…

Catherine Salgado | May 26, 2022

The Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board, also called the Biden administration’s “Ministry of Truth,” is just the latest in a list of eight times that government has wielded tech to target Americans invasively.

Among other actions,…

Alexander Hall | May 26, 2022

A Twitter shareholder reportedly blasted radical woke ideology as a “mind virus” during the company’s annual shareholder meeting Wednesday, echoing a sentiment previously expressed by hopeful owner billionaire Elon Musk.

Can Twitter be…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | May 25, 2022

It’s Episode 39 of CensorTrack with TR. This week we talked about how TikTok censored the Media Research Center 34 times since the start of 2022. (Editors Note: As of 5/26/2022 MRCTV was notified it has been permanently banned from …

Alexander Hall | May 25, 2022

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) torched the Biden Department of Homeland Security’s attempt at establishing a Disinformation Governance Board, noting its similarities to Big Government tyranny in Russia.

The U.S. government and Russia appear to be…

Catherine Salgado | May 25, 2022

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki proudly described her company’s censorship efforts and her pro-abortion stance during an interview at the annual World Economic Forum conference on Tuesday. Meanwhile, both she and another YouTube executive claimed that…

Jeffrey Clark | May 25, 2022

A leftist crypto billionaire is hinting at throwing a billion dollars, give or take, to keep former President Donald Trump from winning the 2024 presidential election. Trump has not officially announced his bid for the presidency. …

Alexander Hall | May 25, 2022

Even Never-Trump commentator George Will condemned President Joe Biden’s Disinformation Governance Board, as he warned Americans to be wary of its return.

Will may be a wet blanket when it comes to the conservative movement, but he raked…