Twitter censors a prayer for aborted children: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "#Prayer for aborted children. #ProLife #babylivesmatter #abortionkills #abortionismurder #JusticeForTheChildren #…
Twitter censors image of people laying flowers at a gravesite for aborted babies: Pro-Life organization Pro-Life Action League tweeted the following: "Mourners leave flowers at the gravesite of over…
Twitter censors image that says Trump has defunded Planned Parenthood: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "We finally have a voice in the highest office who is actually fighting for the unborn and…
Twitter censors Bible verses about murder and children in the womb: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "God says plenty about murder in scripture, God says plenty about children in the womb in…
Twitter censors list of Senators who voted against the Born-Alive bill: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "This is the list of politicians that voted to let babies die born alive after late…
Twitter censors pro-life content: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "Who do you want picking the next Supreme Court justice or 2, @realDonaldTrump or #BidenRiots ? #Trump2020 has delivered…
Twitter censors image of a memorial to aborted babies: Twitter user Pro-Life Action League tweeted the following: "The national Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children is one week from tomorrow!…
Twitter censors explanation of IVF and why pro-lifers object to it: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "Do you know why some pastors don’t preach on the life issue? They know that women in their…
Twitter censors video showing young man begging girlfriend not to abort their baby: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "You can’t un-hear this father BEG this evil woman not to kill their child…
Twitter censors Pro-Life meme: A Twitter user took to Twitter with a pro-life meme, and Twitter censored it as sensitive content. The meme shows three animals, each with a Protected label on them. It…
User tweeted: "I wasn’t pro life. Found out I was pregnant at 18 weeks. Whole baby, CA told me not a problem, abortion until 24 weeks. Saw ultrasound, entire tiny human. Naive didn’t know, drank…
User tweeted: "#BabyLivesMatter “Baby Lives Matter” mural painted on the street in front of a Planned Parenthood in Salt Lake City #Trump2020 #proLife #babylivesmatter #AllLivesMatter #…
User tweeted: "Pro Life!..." along with an ariel view of the Baby Lives Matter mural painted on the street outside a Planned Parenthood clinic. This image was censored with a sensitive content filter.
User tweeted: "That's Jane Roe Herself #PragerForce #prolife #defundplannedparenthood #roevwade #mybodymychoice #AbortionIsHealthcare #AbortionisMurder" along with an image showing a photo of "Jane…
User tweeted: "Nope a pregnant person has another body growing inside her womb." along with a GIF of a 4D ultrasound. That GIF was censored with a sensitive content filter.
User tweeted: "Fact: Abortion is the destruction of a child.... Period. Science. #abortion #ProLife #AbortionIsMurder #abortions #children #family #Christianity #PlannedParenthood" along with a…
User tweeted: "SOME ABORTED BABIES ARE INTACT BEFORE THEY DISSECT THEM. SOME HEARTS ARE ‘BEATING INDEPENDENTLY’ --- “In a new video released by the same organization that conducted an undercover…
User tweeted: "That’s nice. Here are dozens of medical textbook references that refute that nonsense." along with an image showing multiple quotes from different textbooks discussing how human…
User tweeted: "Medicine is for healing. When someone’s limbs are removed and they’re decapitated, that’s called a victim. Human rights are for all humans and don’t need to be earned. They’re…