CensorTrack Database

7,734 Documented Cases
203 203
Cases Against Donald Trump (R)
87 87
Cases Against Joe Biden (D)
31 31
Cases Against Libs of TikTok
21 21
Cases Against The Babylon Bee
7 7
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7 7
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Displaying 1861 - 1880 of 4422
Viktor Sense
Twitter censors user for deadnaming and misgendering a transgender actor: A Twitter user shared a partly redacted screenshot of his censorship notice. He had tweeted: "Ellen Page is not a ... is…
Emma Woodhouse
Twitter suspends Emma Woodhouse for quoting the Wall Street Journal: Twitter suspended a Substack blogger who writes under the pseudonym "Emma Woodhouse" for quoting a Wall Street Journal OpEd that…
Ted Magnolia
Twitter censors user for deadnaming transgender actor: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. He tweeted "#EllenPage." Twitter claimed this violated its rules against…
Twitter censors user for tweeting positively about Kyle Rittenhouse: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. Ironically, the censored tweet was discussing another incident…
Terry Stoops
Director of the John Locke Foundation’s Center for Effective Education censored by Twitter for tweeting NEA agenda: Dr. Terry Stoop, the director of the John Locke Foundation’s Center for…
Twitter permanently suspends Breaking911, later restores account: Twitter reportedly permanently suspended popular breaking news account Breaking911 for ban evasion. According to purported…
Spirit of Hartshorn
Twitter censors user for calling trans actor a "her": A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. The user had tweeted: "Elliot page is a her bro." Twitter claimed this…
Nicole Marie
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. The user tweeted "This is the face of mental illness #EllenPage." Twitter…
Dave Rubin
Twitter removes Dave Rubin's Jordan Peterson tweet, locks account: Twitter restricted the account of author and podcast host Dave Rubin after he tweeted about Jordan Peterson's suspension from the…
Twitter censors user for tweet about a person identifying as disabled: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. He had tweeted "This has nothing to do with Trans or…
Super Don MAGA
Twitter censors user for saying that trans is a mental disorder: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. He had tweeted: "Trans is a mental disorder caused primarily by…
Ran Israeli
Twitter censors user's tweet about data on efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. The user tweeted "Could it be that mRNA vaccines…
Twitter censors user for calling Bette Midler a racist: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of her censorship notice. The user had tweeted "@BetteMidler Racist bitch. Go ahead and ban me, Twitter…
James Usov
Twitter censors user for misgendering a transgender actor: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. He tweeted "Elliot Page is a female. You can change your name. Not your…
Twitter censors user because AI took the word "choke" out of context: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. The user tweeted: "@TomFitton I'll need to get together…
Kathy Gyngell
Twitter censors user for tweet about COVID-19 vaccines: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of another user's censorship notice. The censored user had tweeted "If, as we expect, the #MSM…
Covid Memo
Twitter suspends Covid Memo: The Twitter account Covid Memo, run by Vaccine Safety Research Foundation Campaign Director and Co-Organizer of Defeat the Mandates Louisa Clary, was suspended for…
JoJo Bohnson
Twitter censors user for saying that transgender people have a mental illness: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They had tweeted: "@jk_rowling And they get cross…
Z-Freedom Foundation
Twitter bans Dr. Vladimir (Zev) Zelenko's Freedom Foundation account, claims it is evading a ban: Dr. Zev Zelenko, the creator of the Zelenko HCQ (hydroxychloroquine) protocol, was…
Twitter applies sensitive content filter on DailyWire+'s trailer announcing new Jordan Peterson show: Twitter applied a sensitive content filter on a Daily Wire tweet announcing the addition of a new…