CensorTrack Database

7,654 Documented Cases
203 203
Cases Against Donald Trump (R)
87 87
Cases Against Joe Biden (D)
31 31
Cases Against Libs of TikTok
21 21
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7 7
Cases Against Live Action
7 7
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Displaying 7581 - 7600 of 7654
Ken Smith
Shadowban.eu also shows this user's replies are being deboosted.
Susan St James
Shadowban.eu shows that user's replies are being deboosted as well.
According to shadowban.eu, this user's replies are being deboosted in addition to the other restrictions that she has endured. She does not have any idea why she was placed on restriction this time.…
Dave Rubin
Dave Rubin indicated that he had been locked out of his account for a DMCA claim on a video he posted that had a Sinatra song playing in the background. They also threatened to suspend his account if…
Shadowban.eu is not showing any account restrictions as of 4-20-20, but had previously shown that his replies were being deboosted.
Right-wing nonprofit denied service from Mailchimp: Children's Health Defense (CHD), a 501(c)3 nonprofit led by Robert F. Kennedy jr., had their Mailchimp account deactivated for reportedly violating…
User indicated that her pinned tween from Feb 27, 2016 had been deleted. All indications are that this is true, though no indication as to who, how, or why it was deleted. Shadowban.eu also indicates…
Eric Carmen
Grammy-Nominated Artist Eric Carmen Complains Twitter Is ‘Suppressing’ Him   Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter Eric Carmen (@RealEricCarmen) is battling Twitter. The open conservative and…
Sonya Landers
User reported that she was restricted due to an alleged spam violation. Her likes, follows and retweets were restricted for 3 days, lifted on April 3. She believes the violation was due to retweeting…
Brooks Brown
User provided screen shots showing that within a minute, his impressions and engagements on a tweet that he made decreased significantly (impressions down almost 2200, engagements down 93). The tweet…
Karen Penfold
Facebook censors user for a post about having a son: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of her Facebook censorship notice. The post that got her in trouble was a meme showing a picture of a baby,…
Lone Conservative
Third-party fact-checkers have the ability to cause pages on Facebook to be suppressed. These fact-checkers, who are paid by Facebook, are putting efforts into fact-checking satire and cartoons.…
Shadowban.eu is listing both a Search ban and a Search Suggestion ban for this user. The user has detailed content deletion and suppression additionally. 
Laura Ingraham
In the ongoing saga of Twitter's battle against COVID-19 "misinformation," Fox News host Laura Ingraham is the latest casualty. On March 20, 2020, Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) tweeted: "Lenox…
Loraine Huemmer
User re-tweeted Glenn Beck's video expose on Burisma along with a hashtag #Ukrainefinalpiece at Glenn's encouragement. Her account was then locked out and had to confirm her account. She regained…
Charlie Kirk
Twitter was reportedly very eager to take down any tweets about hydroxychloroquine and coronavirus. But now that the FDA has approved the drug for the treatment of coronavirus, will Twitter restore…