CensorTrack Database

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87 87
Cases Against Joe Biden (D)
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19 19
Cases Against The Babylon Bee
7 7
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Displaying 6601 - 6620 of 7110
Show the Truth
User tweeted: "We know that pictures of abortion are ugly, but they need to be seen so that people will do something about it... and Ben Shapiro agrees. youtube.com/watch?v=tZ9_Yw… #ProLife #…
Show the Truth
User posted an image of a poster that has a photo of an aborted baby on it. This image was censored as sensitive content.
Jose Quana
User posted a short clip from a Young Pharaoh (483K subscribers on his YouTube channel) video onto Twitter, which can still be seen here: https://twitter.com/quanajose/status/1269656143686705153…
Alex Bobby
User tweeted that his account on Facebook was suspended "for 20th time" for posting the collage of pics of Biden touching young people (screenshot attached). I do not have his Facebook account info,…
On June 7, user reported that he "got put in Twitter jail for calling Joe Biden a fucking pussy. I stand by that statement."
Abigail McGyn
Twitter suspends user for calling out transgender bullies: A Twitter user engaged in a discussion about transgender issues on author J K Rowling's feed decided to call out transwomen bullies,…
Godiva Rides
User tweeted: "Meanwhile, the REAL HEROES #Soldiers #Veterans who sacrificed FOR Freedom & Sovereignty OVER Fascism & Slavery ignored by Lip Service Liberals about Equality & respect of…
Marnie King
User reported on Twitter that Facebook removed her post of the Biden collage for violating community standards. Did not report if she was also suspended or not. Using her Twitter username and…
User's account has been suspended indefinitely for repeatedly tweeting a GIF of Biden kissing a young girl with the text "Kisses from Biden." His appeal was not responded to. 
Show the Truth
User tweeted an image showing protestors holding a sign with a photo of an aborted baby on it. This image was censored as sensitive content.
Metal Queen Eve
User recorded a 5 minute video stating that Black Lives Matter does not actually care about black lives. She discusses the deaths of black people who were not killed by cops that Black Lives…
Rose Delgado
User tweeted "Hear ye! Hear ye! @jack, King of Twitter has an announcement to all Christian/Conservatives. If you're posting #Christian or #prolife tweets..." and a GIF of a king saying "You're not…
Olivia Ludka
User tweeted: "As Me Anything!! (Pro-Life Edition) #prolife #prochoice #abortion" with an image of a pregnant woman in profile, her hands forming a heart. That image was censored with a sensitive…
Law Enforcement Today
Rick Haugh
User reported on Twitter that his Facebook account was suspended for posting the Biden collage. Using his Twitter username and followers.
Michelle Malkin
User was given a 12 hour suspension for promoting violence. Account will be released after 12 hours.
Elijah Schaffer
It appears that these crime stats are now visible in his Instagram at this time. 
Elijah Schaffer
"I tried to share the truth about the riots but YouTube deleted my video. Thank God BlazeTV fought for me and got it back up. It’s now invisible to non-subs and can’t be found in the search bar, but…
Good Heart Mommy
User tweeted: "Same problems here. Have to deal with family & so called friends that support abortion & taking away our freedoms. But hate me because I believe Trump is our best change to…
Candace Owens