CensorTrack Database
Documented Cases
Displaying 4221 - 4240 of 4506
User tweeted: "..welcome to Obama-conomics 2020..welfare for all..cradle to grave..’ask not, what you can do for your Country..ask, what will your Country will do for you..’ #…
User tweeted: "Freedom Fighters descend on California #ReopenCalifornia #ReopenCA #ReopenAmerica #ReopenAmericaNow #Trump2020" with a video of lockdown protestors in California. This video was…
User tweeted: "#JoeM #SheepNoMore #TheStormIsUponUs #qanon #WWG1WGA #China #BrownShirts #Tyranny Joe M has been very busy folks. How do you destry America?? from within #DeepState" along with two…
User tweeted: "I haven't worn a mask yet, never will or submit to #Tyranny Don't like it? #SocialDistance yourself from me, #sheeple" along with an image of an N95 mask that had words pasted on the…
User received a message that she has violated the Spam policy again, resulting in 3 days of restrictions on her account. It is unclear what led to this, but she noted that it seems to be happening to…
User tweeted about the numbers of COVID-19 infections in Houston, TX, saying that as a visualization you could use the arena where the Houston Rockets play with 18,000 seats, and 31 of the seats…
User tweeted: "I knew this #HuntingtonBeach hat was going to be my favorite after buying it in November on my vacation - It means even more now after watching #ReopenCA #ReopenAmerica protests. #…
User tweeted: "#FakeCovidDeaths #CovidPandemicHoax just follow the money & power! #Tyranny" along with a GIF of someone flinging money in the air. The GIF was censored as sensitive content.
User tweeted: "#BostonLibertyRally at the state house! #ChurchIsEssential #OPENAMERICANOW" with a video from a lockdown protest at the Boston Capitol. This video was censored with a sensitive content…
User was replying to a Tweet about a "new workplace monitoring tool" that "issues an alert when anyone is less than six feet apart" to enforce social distancing requirements. User tweeted in reply: "…
User tweeted: "Wisdom from the 1576 break out of the plague in Milan. Advise from St Carlo Borromeo! {Remi Chiu, “Singing on the Street and in the Home in Times of Pestilence: Lessons from the 1576-…
User tweeted: "When you see this at one the busiest diners I know this is bad. Open and isolate now! @RhodeIslandGOP @GoLocalProv @RIDemParty @RhodeIslandGOP #…
User tweeted: "I stand with you and do not consent to #tyranny #OPENAMERICANOW" along with an image of a quote from the Declaration of Independence: "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all…
User tweeted: "@RealCandaceO speaks the truth! People should reopen their businesses and resist liberal Tyranny! #KAG #Trump2020 #ReOpenAmerica" along with an image of a Candace Owens tweet that…
User tweeted: "Lets go folks, Gov. has no right to hold you back. #OPENAMERICANOW" along with an image of a tweet by Anthony Sabatini that said "The State Attorney's Office 6th Circuit just DROPPED…
User tweeted: "I believe I found a match #Chicago #Covid_19 LIES #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #OPENAMERICANOW #KAG2020" along with a GIF of a tarsier chewing. This GIF was censored as sensitive…
User tweeted: "Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner!!! They win my dollars!!! #OPENAMERICANOW" along with a photo of a restaurant sign, Rosa's Cafe Tortilla Factory that says Dine-In Open. This photo was…
User's account was instantly locked for posting the Biden meme. Has since been released.
User tweeted: "#OpenAmerica up, #OpenIllinois up!! @realDonaldTrump @JBPritzker" along with a screen shot of a CDC Facebook post about COVID with the following highlighted text: "The…