Ulrich L. Lehner

User tweeted: "Wisdom from the 1576 break out of the plague in Milan. Advise from St Carlo Borromeo! {Remi Chiu, “Singing on the Street and in the Home in Times of Pestilence: Lessons from the 1576-1578 Plague in Milan"} #Covid19 #CHurches #ReOpenAmerica #Theology #CatholicTwitter" along with an image from a book that says "Ingrassia's equivocations betray the difficulty of reconciling religious zeal with public safety, and the belief in processions as a miracle cure with the fear of the ritual as a hotbed of contagion. What could the devout do, then, if they wished to participate in processions, but for reasons of illness and quarantine, or for fear of contagion, could not? A piece of advice from Borromeo is pertinent here; to those who could not attend mass in the midst of plague, he said, 'Go to church in spirit,' making viable the substitution of physical presence with an imaginative attendance." This image was censored with a sensitive content filter.

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