CensorTrack Database
Documented Cases
Displaying 4221 - 4240 of 4497
User was replying to a Tweet about a "new workplace monitoring tool" that "issues an alert when anyone is less than six feet apart" to enforce social distancing requirements. User tweeted in reply: "…
User tweeted: "Wisdom from the 1576 break out of the plague in Milan. Advise from St Carlo Borromeo! {Remi Chiu, “Singing on the Street and in the Home in Times of Pestilence: Lessons from the 1576-…
User tweeted: "When you see this at one the busiest diners I know this is bad. Open and isolate now! @RhodeIslandGOP @GoLocalProv @RIDemParty @RhodeIslandGOP #…
User tweeted: "I stand with you and do not consent to #tyranny #OPENAMERICANOW" along with an image of a quote from the Declaration of Independence: "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all…
User tweeted: "@RealCandaceO speaks the truth! People should reopen their businesses and resist liberal Tyranny! #KAG #Trump2020 #ReOpenAmerica" along with an image of a Candace Owens tweet that…
User tweeted: "Lets go folks, Gov. has no right to hold you back. #OPENAMERICANOW" along with an image of a tweet by Anthony Sabatini that said "The State Attorney's Office 6th Circuit just DROPPED…
User tweeted: "I believe I found a match #Chicago #Covid_19 LIES #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #OPENAMERICANOW #KAG2020" along with a GIF of a tarsier chewing. This GIF was censored as sensitive…
User tweeted: "Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner!!! They win my dollars!!! #OPENAMERICANOW" along with a photo of a restaurant sign, Rosa's Cafe Tortilla Factory that says Dine-In Open. This photo was…
User's account was instantly locked for posting the Biden meme. Has since been released.
User tweeted: "#OpenAmerica up, #OpenIllinois up!! @realDonaldTrump @JBPritzker" along with a screen shot of a CDC Facebook post about COVID with the following highlighted text: "The…
User tweeted: "Our governor @RoyCooperNC has travel cut off to the Outer Banks (Dare County) - These businesses have a hard enough time because tourism is seasonal. 1 DEATH 11 CASES of Corona…
User tweeted: "Let my people GO!!! #OpenAmerica #HB #USA #Freedom" along with a photo of a car driving past a reopen rally/protest in an unidentified location with palm trees. This image was censored…
In response to someone tweeting about getting @RealJamesWoods account fixed after a hack, user tweeted: "Hey @jack will you listen to this guy?? Stop the #Tyranny" along with a photo of an…
User tweeted: "Rhode Island Tyrant needs to stop! #LOCKDOWN2020 #screenshotsaturday #RhodeIsland @realDonaldTrump @SherryRoberts29 #COVID_19 #tyranny" along with some images of a long post someone…
User tweeted: "#OpenTheStreets Don't Forget Independent Street Vendors! #RecallGavinNewsom #ReOpenAmerica #OpenAllBeaches #StayAtHomeUntilWeHaveNoHome #CoronaVirusPandemic" along with a photo of a…
User tweeted: "Regardless. I haven't yet worn a mask nor submitted to #tyranny #MyBodyMyChoice" along with a meme of some Nazi soldiers reviewing someone's paperwork in WWII with the text "You haven'…
User tweeted: "Gracias Governor! I wanna try ALL these #OutdoorActivities on ur "It's OK to Do List" dis Weekend! But da parking lots are Closed! #RecallGavinNewsom #ReOpenBeaches #ReOpenAmerica #…
User tweeted: "#DemocratPrivilege #DemocratsStayHome Hypocrites!! #MichiganProtest #OrangeCounty #NYC #Chicago #DC #CaliforniaProtest #OpenAmerica Democrat is Code Word for Communist! #tyranny #…
User tweeted: "The video banned by Youtube is back up - Check out Dr. Erickson explain why social distancing is not helpful. God Bless you Dr. Erickson. #ReopenAmerica #ReopenAmericaNow" along with a…