
Clare Dimyon
Twitter censors user for making a biologically factual statement: A Twitter user replied to some other users, saying: "If you have a cervix then you are irredeemably female." Twitter found that…
Homely Woman Kenobi
Twitter censors user for saying that babies grow inside women: A Twitter user who is a feminist who disavows trans ideology was in a discussion with trans advocates when she tweeted: "Your words…
Censored Jen
Twitter restricts user after she quotes Joe Biden directly, cites "abuse and harassment": A Twitter user used some of Joe Biden's own words in a tweet, saying: "Look, fat, you're full of #$&. You…
Twitter censors user for statement about 'trans women': A Twitter user was engaged in a discussion with another user about transgender issues. The user tweeted the following to that user: "Dear…
Nick Searcy
Actor and conservative commentator Nick Searcy's Facebook account restricted for Jan. 6 video at Capitol: Nick Searcy started a video series on December 3 that he calls "My Nonessential Walk in Los…
Sputnik Vaccine
Twitter restricts "first registered vaccine against COVID-19," Sputnik Vaccine's account: Sputnik Vaccine, the Moscow-based COVID-19 vaccine that was reportedly the "first registered" COVID vaccine,…
Bradley Blakeman
Facebook suspends consultant and former 'W' staffer Bradley Blakeman: Former George W Bush senior White House staffer and current political consultant Bradley Blakeman reported in an appearance on…
Terrence K Williams
Twitter restricts actor Terrence K. Williams for pointing out riot hypocrisy: Actor Terrence K Williams tweeted about the hypocrisy of the coverage of the Capitol riot versus the Black Lives Matter/…
7 Seals of the End
Twitter censors user for tweeting a RT and an Israel365News link about COVID: A Twitter user had his account locked until he deleted some tweets related to COVID-19. He tweeted a RT article: "…
Titania McGrath
Popular Twitter parody 'temporarily restricted': Titania McGrath is a popular Twitter account known for its satirical content targeting "WOKE" liberals and their comical sensibilities.…
Kristen Meghan
Twitter suspends a "court approved SME [subject matter expert] on Respiratory Protection" for tweets about masks: Kristen Meghan, a self-described "court approved SME on Respiratory Protection,"…
Twitter censors user for saying someone looked like a "tree ornament" waring a certain jacket: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. He had tweeted: "@bretmichaels @…
Dinah Brand
Twitter censored user for making statement about trans women in prison: A Twitter user who is what is known as a "Terf" or "trans-exclusionary radical feminist" got in trouble for a tweet. In…
Dawn Saffron
Twitter censors user for calling Biden a corporate whore: A Twitter user reported that her account was restricted for a tweet criticizing Joe Biden. She tweeted: "@JoeBiden is a corporate whore. He…
Facebook censors user for pointing out that its behavior is reminiscent of Josef Goebbels: A Twitter user explained that Facebook restricted his account and deleted a post. He said, "nazi run #…
Twitter restricted user for insulting Joe Biden: A Twitter user claimed that they got in trouble for "accurately translating Biden's latest 'America doesn't want a handout' speech." The user tweeted…
Twitter restricts user's account for calling herself a tranny, claims hateful conduct: A Twitter user's account was restricted after she called herself a "tranny." In response to another tweet, she…
Sidney Powell
Twitter restricted Sidney Powell's account for "unusual activity": Sidney Powell's Twitter account was temporarily restricted. It is unclear why this restriction was placed on her account…
Tom Pappert
Editor-in-Chief of National File says Facebook 'has locked a news outlet out of its own Facebook page': Tom Pappert, the editor-in-chief of National File, indicated on Twitter and in an…
Stevie C Baby
Twitter censors user for comment about Vanderbilt kicker Sarah Fuller: A Twitter user made a comment about the female kicker for Vanderbilt University: "Hope she gets smashed into pieces when she…