Texas Attorney General
Case #

X community adds a context note to Texas Attorney General post: The X account for the Texas Attorney General's office shared a post from the Attorney General Ken Paxton account claiming a win at the Supreme Court. That post had a Community Note added to it that claimed "Texas did not win. Texas asked the Court to affirm the 5th Circuit’s ruling. The Court instead vacated the 5th Circuit’s ruling. supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf…" The Texas Attorney General account responded when it re-posted Paxton's post, saying "THREAD: This “Community Note” is false. It cites as its source a press release from the legal group that lost on the only question before SCOTUS. SCOTUS agreed with Texas's arguments & ordered the plaintiffs to seek redress through existing state law, which is what Texas urged." However, the X community added a Community Note to this post as well, reading "The plaintiff sued the State of Texas. The 5th Court of Appeals sided with Texas, and the plaintiff appealed to SCOTUS. SCOTUS vacated the 5th Circuit ruling and remanded the case, giving the plaintiff the win. News report: thetexan.news/judicial/scotu… Ruling: supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf…" The label is part of X’s Community Notes system. X users are able to sign up as contributors to add context to posts. X owner Elon Musk shared that any post with a Community Note added to it will be demonetized. The Community Notes account on X also posted that notices will be pushed to users who previously engaged with a post when a Community Note is added to it later. 

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