Springfield Public School District 186 Board of Education

YouTube removes video of Illinois school board meeting, rejects appeal, then reinstates after the incident received press attention: Illinois Springfield District 186 posted a video of its June 21 meeting, which included footage of the time allotted for the public to comment on what the school board is doing. The lone commenter implored the school board to make masking optional and claimed that masks may cause more harm than good. He said, "based on decades of science and recent studies, the consensus held by [medical professionals], masks with the exception of N95's do not prevent the spread of flu or smaller viruses like Sars CoV-2. In fact studies and tests suggest general public risk harm." The Center Square reported that YouTube removed the video and denied the YouTube channel an appeal. The platform reversed its decision in September when YouTube commented on The Center Square's reporting of the incident. A YouTube spokesperson told The Center Square, “Upon further review, we’re reinstating the Springfield School District’s meeting video.” The spokesperson added, “[w]e have policies in place to allow content that might otherwise violate our COVID-19 misinformation policies as long as it includes educational, documentary, scientific, or artistic (EDSA) context. In line with our EDSA policies, the video is available again on YouTube.”

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