Don Ford

Twitter censors a pro-vaccine user for tweet about myocarditis:  A Twitter user shared a screenshot of another user's censorship notice. The censored user was actually tweeting in favor of COVID-19 vaccines, indicating that the risk from getting the virus has worse implications for people with heart issues than the vaccines do. The user tweeted: "This is actually, & I know it's unpopular to say, but this is why vaccine injury is a thing with the heart They don't do a quarter the damage the virus does but this is precisely why folks have heart issues with the RNA Vaccine also, we've had other data supporting this theory." This would seem to align with Twitter's preferred narrative about the COVID-19 vaccines, but because of the AI algorithm in use to pick up anti-vaxxers, the user's tweet was censored as well. The user's account was locked until he deleted the tweet, then placed in a restricted read-only mode for one week.

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