Convention of States

YouTube censors Convention of States weekly update video over discussion of Dr. Fauci and COVID: The Convention of States Project publishes a weekly update video hosted by its president, Mark Meckler. The most recent video was removed by YouTube, according to reporting at the Convention of States site. The group shared a screenshot purportedly showing that YouTube deemed its August 1, 2021 BattleCry episode to violate the platform's "medical information policy." In the video, Meckler discussed Dr. Anthony Fauci, asking "What is going on with Fauci? I think that Fauci has lost his mind. This guy's not a public servant. This guy's acting like a king." He then shared a viral video showing Fauci's numerous flip-flops on masks. Meckler made some other statements that could have triggered YouTube's action, explaining the statistics for healthy people under 65 dying from the COVID-19 virus being less than the same demographic's chances of dying in a car accident, and then referring to recent data from a particular state in which a large number of people who had contracted the COVID virus were vaccinated. The Convention of States explained that the video can be found on Rumble, and that it was working to ensure free access to all of its content via similar alternative platforms. 

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