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Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) and Ronald F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) went after Big Tech platforms for censoring free speech on natural immunity during the pandemic.

On Thursday, July 20th, RFK Jr. was given a chance to speak to Congress and the American people. This provided Rep. Massie, another opponent of censorship, an opportunity to speak to RFK Jr. about how Big Tech had censored him and others who posted about natural immunity, even when the censored information was both scientifically accurate and promoted by a legacy media source. Massie said, “One of the immutable and undeniable uh tenants of immunology is natural immunity. But for two years it was denied. It wasn't even just denied. It was censored.” 

Massie also noted to Louisiana Special Assistant Attorney General D. John Sauer, “I noticed in the court ruling — in the case that you worked on— that they said that the court said that Facebook reported to the White House that it labeled and demoted posts, suggesting natural immunity to a COVID-19 infection is superior to vaccine immunity,” before discussing how Twitter had specifically censored him on the issue. 

Citing the Twitter files, Massie reported that Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a member of Pzifer’s board, had spoken with former Twitter Senior Manager of Public Policy Todd O’Boyle, who Massie called “one of the go-to people for the White House'' for censoring content, about suppressing tweets about natural immunity. Massie went on to add that Twitter labeled his tweet, deboosted it, and prevented people from commenting on it. The Kentucky congressman said that even when he cited leftist media website Bloomberg, Twitter still censored him.  

When Massie asked Kennedy a question about censorship, Kennedy did not hold back. “There is an effort uh to suppress information,” Kennedy said before adding. “In fact, if you read the Twitter Files and the email correspondence at uh between Facebook and the White House there was an acknowledgement that they were being asked, and they were complying with censoring information that everybody knew to be true or highly likely to be true. Uh the purpose in fact the term misinformation did not denote uh falsehood or or veracity. Rather it was a euphemism for any information that departed from governmental orthodoxies. And it is very dangerous.” 

RFK “is no stranger to censorship. Big Tech companies have already interfered in the 2024 presidential election and have censored Kennedy no fewer than 10 times between April and June 2023, according to MRC’s exclusive database.” A 2022 MRC Free Speech America study demonstrated that Kennedy’s social media accounts were frequently targeted for alleged “false COVID-19 vaccine claims” and “vaccine misinformation.” The leftist Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) issued an infamous manifesto called the “Disinformation Dozen” calling for Kennedy to be censored along with other so-called “anti-vaxxers.” The leftist media have also called for Big Tech companies to censor people who gave Kennedy a platform to share his views, such as famed podcast host Joe Rogan

RFK ended the back and forth by slamming the attitude that had led to this situation, "Trusting the experts is not a function of science. It's not a function of democracy. It's a function of religion and totalitarianism, and it does not make for a healthier population."  

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