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It’s Episode 41 of CensorTrack with TR. This week we talked about how Big Tech promotes the LGBTQ agenda online but squashes opposing voices. 

June is a nationally recognized month for the LGBTQ community to celebrate gayness. “Pride Month” has become 30 days of rainbow washing in restaurants, stores and especially social media. Big Tech, being the woke entity that it is, appears to love all things pride-related and to hate all things that don’t align with that progressive ideology. 

On June 3, National Pulse Editor-in-Chief Raheem Kassam used the phrase “Ok, groomers,” when replying to a tweet from the U.K.’s Bristol Library. It’s unclear exactly which tweet Kassam responded to, but @BristolLibrary made a tweet the day before regarding Britain’s first gay pride march and gay newspaper. As a result, Twitter locked Kassam out of his account for 12 hours. 

TikTok suspended MRCTV's account after removing one of its shows that criticized grooming behavior.

In November, Twitter restricted the account of best-selling author and political commentator James Lindsay. Lindsay blasted another user who tweeted, "'Protecting the children' was invoked by anti-gay advocates too. There well may be an airtight case for the anti-pedophilia side, but no-one has made it yet, because they don't have to when they can rely on a reflexive taboo reaction." Lindsay simply tweeted, “Ok groomer,” and Twitter censored him.

Big Tech repeatedly promotes content that favors the left’s woke ideology but censors content that stands in opposition. 

Watch below for the forty-first episode of CensorTrack with TR! We encourage you to post and share it across all social media. If you have been censored, contact us at, and use #FreeSpeech to point out more of Big Tech’s unacceptable bias.

Check out our recent episodes:

  • Amazon Censors Best Selling, Innocent Kids Book

  • Biden Disinfo Board — The New Orwellian Speech Police!

  • Big Tech Bias Shows Hatred of Pro-Life Content

  • TikTok Censors MRC’s Free Speech 34 Times!

  • Big Tech Repeatedly Targets Libs of TikTok

  • And more

Conservatives are under attack. If you have been censored, contact us at the Media Research Center contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.