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It’s episode twenty-four of MRC’s newest video series, CensorTrack with TR. This week we talked about how Big Tech is censoring groups that advocate for traditional education, fight for parental voice and choice in classrooms and oppose Critical Race Theory.

Critical Race Theory (CRT) undergirds the idea that America is an irredeemably racist country. Advocates for CRT emphasize that white people are racist, capitalism is racist and whites are oppressors. All these concepts are taught to children in schools, but groups like Moms for Liberty and The Chalkboard Review have made it a point to fight back. Big Tech has, in turn, made it a point to silence and censor pro-parent groups that oppose anti-history and anti-American CRT in schools. 

The National Education Association released a piece putting pressure on Big Tech companies to erase any opposition to CRT in order to “prioritize the safety of people over profits.” Naturally, per Big Tech’s obsession with censorship, they appear to have obliged. 

Moms for Liberty is an educational group focused on “educating and empowering parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government.” Moms for Liberty acts as a parent advocacy group to fight for a voice in the lessons kids learn in school. Big Tech has censored Moms for Liberty’s various chapter groups over 30 times, co-founder Tina Descovich said in an exclusive interview with MRC Free Speech America. 

The Chalkboard Review is an educational commentary site that “features a diverse range of voices on all things education.” The group is admittedly against CRT and was banned on Twitter Feb. 3. After MRC reached out to Twitter for a comment, Twitter reinstated The Chalkboard Review’s account. The Chalkboard Review is also a part of the MRC Free Speech Alliance, a coalition of over 90 organizations dedicated to promoting free speech online. 

Big Tech is crossing a line when it censors groups that aim to protect the impressionable and vulnerable minds of young learners. The agenda of the left is not only evident but also emphasized in the tyrannical tactics of Big Tech censorship. 

Watch below for the twenty-third episode of CensorTrack with TR! We encourage you to post and share it across all social media. If you have been censored, contact us at, and use #FreeSpeech to point out more of Big Tech’s unacceptable bias. 



Check out our recent episodes:

  • Year of Anti-Trump, Anti-Life & Anti-Free Speech

  • Big Tech Is NOT Smarter Than Scientists

  • Big Tech PURGES Free Speech Backer, Dan Bongino

  • Big Tech PRAISES Abortion But CENSORS Life

  • When Big Tech Censors Them, You’re Censored, Too

  • And more

Conservatives are under attack. If you have been censored, contact us at the Media 

Research Center contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.