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Nineteen Republican attorneys general issued a damning letter to Eventbrite, the infamous event planning platform, which attempted to thwart an event highlighting the dangers of sex transitions for children.

The letter, led by South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson, lambasted Eventbrite after it unpublished a Nov. 6 event hosted by the Palmetto Family Council. The South Carolina event, called “Stop the Insanity” aims to draw attention to the irreversible damages of genital mutilation and gender transitioning for children.

The event will feature the  testimony of Chloe Cole, a famed detransitioner. Eventbrite claimed in its disturbing take down notice that the event violated the website’s policy on “hateful” and “dangerous” events. The attorneys general expressed concern that “Eventbrite appears to be censoring political speech that it simply does not like.”

In the five-page letter, the Republican leaders highlighted Cole’s story, who at age of 15 underwent a double mastectomy after taking testosterone and puberty blockers for two years. Cole has since regretted her medical transition and is warning parents against the irreversible damages caused by doctors who greenlight these procedures. It seems Eventbrite has judged that the speech Cole has not even spoken yet to be “hateful” and “violent” as it shut down the posting in September.

“Eventbrite appears to disagree with Chloe’s position in this debate,” the attorneys general wrote. “But rather than respectfully disagree, Eventbrite appears to have deplatformed an upcoming event in South Carolina featuring Chloe and her concerns about pediatric gender transition.”

The blockade of the event marks yet another example of Eventbrite opting to thwart events it disagrees with politically, particularly when it comes to transgender ideology. “[I]t appears Eventbrite has been routinely deplatforming events all over the world that espouse a view on gender different than its own,” the letter continued, drawing attention to Eventbrite’s infamous history protecting radical gender ideology. “Rather than celebrate the marketplace of ideas and trust that the truth will prevail, Eventbrite appears poised to manipulate public opinion by silencing political dissidents.”

Indeed, in July 2023, Eventbrite erased the listing of the “Let Women Speak Austin” event hosted by the Independent Women’s Network. Similarly, in September 2022, the ticketing company banned multiple watch-party events for the What Is a Woman documentary spearheaded by Daily Wire Host Matt Walsh. Both West Kentucky University’s Turning Point USA chapter and No Left Turn had their What is a Woman watch party event listings canceled by Eventbrite.

These events were unquestionably affected by the censorship as they were inhibited from accessing Eventbrite's massive reach. As detailed by the letter, Eventbrite sold approximately 84 million tickets in the first nine months of 2022. “The scope of Eventbrite’s reach means that an abundance of speakers and performers, as well as tens of millions of consumers, rely on Eventbrite for distribution of and access to various messages,” the letter’s authors remarked. “That is why it’s so concerning that Eventbrite appears to be using its power and influence to silence those with whom it disagrees.”

The fiery letter gives Eventbrite 30 days to respond to the questions on how Cole’s testimony constitutes what the ticketing company described as “Hateful, Dangerous, or Violent.”

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