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Because of the state funeral of George H.W. Bush, a highly anticipated hearing with Google CEO Sundar Pichai will be postponed.

The U.S. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte said that the hearing, which is scheduled the same day as the funeral for former president George H.W. Bush, will probably be rescheduled for next week. In an interview with Fox News “Sunday Morning Futures,” Goodlatte said that while the hearing is postponed, “we expect that to occur and it’s very, very important that it do occur.”

A committee spokesperson confirmed this postponement to Barron’s on December 3. No date has been set yet for the postponed hearing. The Judiciary Committee announced officially that the hearing was in fact postponed.

On September 5, Google was invited to send a top executive to a hearing that included Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. The company declined to send a representative who possessed the same authority as the other two company representatives. An empty chair was left in the hearing to represent its failure to comply with the Senate’s requests.


In the interview with Rep. Goodlatte on Fox News, he said that allegations that Google is censoring conservative voices, “is one of a number of issues likely to get attention.”
