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Independent journalist Tucker Carlson had his “mind blown” by cybersecurity expert Mike Benz’s latest revelations of a vast conspiracy of government agencies, universities and civic centers to reportedly rig elections through electoral subversion and propaganda. 

Benz, who used to manage the Department of State’s cyber portfolio and has since founded the Foundation for Freedom Online, appeared for an interview on Tucker Carlson Uncensored. The over hour long interview, which was released on X on Feb. 16, exposed coordinated efforts by the Department of Homeland Security, the State Department, the Atlantic Council, Stanford and the University of Washington and others to censor the internet in order to control the public and cement the power of the establishment.

According to Benz, one of the government funded entities, the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), flagged 27 million tweets to be deleted by social media companies and even used DHS infrastructure. “What I am essentially describing is military rule,” he stated. 

Benz described this censorship collusion as a “total inversion” of democracy. He argued that after the 2016 wave of elections in which populist candidates won in the U.S., the Philippines and Brexit passed in the UK, scared government bureaucrats changed the definition of democracy to deal with a new threat: free speech. 

“What they essentially said is, ‘We need to redefine democracy from being about the will of the voters to being about the sanctity of democratic institutions,’” Benz said, speaking about NATO security hawks. “And who are the democratic institutions? Oh, it’s us, you know, it’s the military, it’s NATO, it’s the [International Monetary Fund] and the World Bank.”

This new mission of “sanctifying democracy” is why government agencies like the State Department and DHS started creating initiatives to censor certain opinions that might undermine faith in themselves. 

DHS’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, the State Department and the Pentagon started funding university initiatives like the Virality Project and the EIP to flag posts that expressed contrary opinions about vaccines, mask efficacy, public health officials like former White House Chief Medical Advisor Anthony Fauci and questioning the legitimacy of mail-in-ballots. 

The EIP is just the tip of the iceberg, and Benz discusses many other instances of collusion in this dense interview, which should be watched by every American to understand the breathtaking scope of the government's daily assaults of fundamental American principles. 

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