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Elites “view free speech as a threat” because of its power, a top Federal Communications Commission official stated.

FCC commissioner Brendan Carr called out government and social media censorship efforts and praised free speech. “Established gatekeepers are engaged in an intentional and coordinated effort to silence political speech they don’t like by slapping the label ‘misinformation’ on it,” Carr warned Sunday on X.

Carr’s remarks come amid mounting concerns that the left is weaponizing the label of “misinformation” to censor the constitutionally-protected speech of political opponents. “‘Misinformation’ is the new misinformation,” he commented, highlighting the paradox.

The censors, Carr continued, are not concerned about ensuring that online users “will be misled by the words they’ve chosen to read,” but rather “they’re worried that those words will be effective.” He insisted that both media and government leaders “view free speech as a threat.  It undermines their ability to control the narrative and to ensure their continued positions in an established hierarchy.”

Hence, Carr wrote, the “extreme” response to online speech from the powers-that-be. “Free speech is a democratizing force; it is the antidote to control.” Censors aim to control both thoughts and words, Carr insisted, forcing others into their own personal worldview. 

“Their goal is to lobotomize free thinking and pour in the cement of official orthodoxy,” he added. “Censorship, after all, is about sweeping away all opposition.  It seeks to replace free thinking with political tribalism.”

Carr continued that free speech is both “necessary for our political freedom” and for innovation. “Only through a robust, uninhibited, and wide-open debate will we solve our most pressing and complex problems. It is imperative that free speech win out over censorship,” he concluded.

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