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Mark Levin, the host of Fox’s Life Liberty & Levin, has had enough social media censorship. After getting throttled yet again by Facebook, Levin has said he will “probably” be leaving the platform “by the end of the year.”

For the third time since October, Levin received a notification from Facebook indicating the social media giant reduced the reach of his page and levied other restrictions against it for repeatedly sharing what it considers false news. “Your page has reduced distribution and other restrictions because of repeated sharing of false news,” Facebook said in a notification, according to a screenshot from Levin. “People will also be able to see if a Page has a history of sharing false news,” the notification added.

“I've been restricted and censored on Facebook. Please make sure you transition to Parler ASAP as I will be leaving Facebook probably by the end of the year,” Levin said on Twitter.

On the eve of the 2020 presidential election Levin received the same notification from Facebook stating it would be reducing the distribution of his page. Before that, in October, Levin had shared an article labeled by an "independent fact-checker" as "missing context," which led to the same throttling of his page.

"It’s a clear effort at censorship. Every link I post is from a legitimate source," Levin tweeted after receiving the notification from Facebook. "But because so many people are seeing what I’m posting and we’re within weeks of the election it’s clear that Facebook is trying to influence the election’s outcome."

Levin has more than 1.6 million Facebook users following the news and commentary shared by his page.

Following the notification of reduced distribution of his page, Levin said in a Facebook post that both the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) should investigate Facebook and Zuckerberg: The FEC for its “extensive censorship in support of Biden and the Democrat Party,” that has resulted in “massive in-kind campaign contributions”; and the FTC for Facebook’s monetization of user’s personal data without their permission or knowledge. Levin added that Congress needs to revoke Facebook’s immunity under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. As a result, users could take legal action against Facebook, “for spreading libels and deceiving its customers as Facebook has changed its business model from an open public platform into a politically partisan censorship operation,” added Levin.

Levin has been urging his audience to transition to Parler with him. “Facebook and Zuckerberg lied about its original mission or I would never have encouraged my radio listeners to follow me there,” he said in another post. “Please join me on Parler as quickly as you can as we prepare to abandon this corrupt company and its billionaire punk founder.”

On Nov. 10, Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell appeared on Levin’s nationally syndicated talk radio show to discuss a new MRC poll that found 36 percent of Biden voters were not aware of the New York Post’s story connecting Joe Biden to alleged corrupt dealings through his son Hunter. The MRC study found that 4.6 percent of Biden voters would not have voted for him had they known about the story, showing how Big Tech and Big Media’s censorship could have swung the election.

“Guess what? Had they [Democrat voters] known the story, Joe Biden would not have carried Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and the Trump lead would have been definitive in North Carolina,” Bozell explained on Levin’s show. “This isn’t a one and done. This isn’t somebody at the network missing something one night. This is something that has been going on night after night for four years.”

Conservatives are under attack. Contact Facebook at (650) 308-7300 or (650) 543-4800, or by mail to 1601 Willow Road Menlo Park, CA 94025, and demand that the platform mirror the First Amendment: Tech giants should afford their users nothing less than the free speech and free exercise of religion embodied in the First Amendment as interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court. If you have been censored, contact us at the Media Research Center contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.